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Esme is bored. She's been here for so long that it's hard to even remember what it was like before. She's thankful that Areon is there with her. She wouldn't be allowed out of the castle if he wasn't. She remembers, at times, when her parents wouldn't care if she lived or died. 

Esme smiles, now she has four vampire protectors that do their best to make sure that she never is harmed. Not to mention Areon.  She hears a rustling in the undergrowth and looks to Areon to see if she should be worried.

Areon is looking intently at the direction of the noise and gives out a slight growl. That's enough for Esme to get up off the ground and move towards her body guard and friend. "Show yourself." Areon growls out once more.

Esme is startled. She hasn't heard him ever use that tone with anyone other than the slaves that insist in making her life miserable. That had stopped once her sister was given to the wolves. For the last two years things have been much nicer.

Esme is once more brought back to the present when another man steps out of the undergrowth. "I mean you and Lady Esmeralda no harm, sir. I have a message from the alpha. I was on my way to the castle when I ran into your scent."

Esme relaxes but she notices that Areon stiffens even further.

Areon growls almost too low to hear. Indeed, Esme feels it rather than hears it. "What is the message from my father?"

"He states that there is trouble and you are needed with the pack as soon as you can come. If the lords require a wolf as body guard that the beta will be made available, but it is time for you to assume your place in the pack once more."

Esmeralda feels like she's been sucker punched. She knew that Areon wasn't going to be with her forever, but after nearly seven years he's family. But she knows that he has duties that he must take care of as well.

Areon feels no less than Esmeralda. He figured that his father would be sending for him in the near future, but he hadn't expected it quite so soon. "Come with us to the castle. You will explain to the lords while I pack my things."

The wolf is visibly nervous and he goes behind the foliage to change to his wolf form. Once he comes out Areon has Esmeralda get on the wolf. They take off running once she's on and holding to his pelt.

Esmeralda has tears streaming that she can't hold back as she ushers the wolf to Jesse's study. She knocks and opens the door once he tells her to come in.

Jesse for his part is furious when he sees Esme in tears and an unfamiliar wolf next to her. "What is going on?" His words are hard and cold and definitely directed at the wolf.

"He has a message for Areon. Areon wanted you to hear it." Esme states and can't hold back the sobs. Jesse is at her side almost before the first sob is released.

"Change and give me a report." Jesse orders the only other wolf allowed inside the castle and not as a prisoner.

The new wolf doesn't hesitate. He places the clothes that he brought with him on before Jesse once more faces him. Jesse takes Esme with him behind his desk and holds her while she cries and looks hard at the wolf waiting for the message.

"My lord, I was sent by my alpha to order home his son. It is time for Areon to take his place among the pack. He is requested to return as soon as possible. The beta is awaiting orders on whether or not he will be needed to take Areon's place or if he should remain with the pack."

"I see," Jesse says softly. He holds Esmeralda tighter now understanding her tears. Areon had saved her life more than once and almost lost his life multiple times doing it. But then, since they are bound if Esmeralda had lost her life he would have as well.

"It is not that easy, wolf. When Areon became her body guard their lives were intertwined, irrevocably, might I say. Should she die then so will he. For him to leave will make her vulnerable, which in turn leaves Areon weak. He cannot be the proper alpha with that kind of weakness to him and the pack." Jesse speaks with out emotion. He is angry, but knew it was coming. He is rather shocked that the alpha had allowed it for as long as he had.

"Understood, my lord, but if he is released from those bonds then that weakness would no longer exist."

"Enough, you will show the lord more respect than that. Lord Jesse knows more about the bonding than both of us combined. If he says that it will make the pack weak then it will make the pack weak." Areon says coming silently into the room. 

"NO." Esmeralda all but shouts to get the two wolves attention. The tension building between them was becoming unbearable and she just glares at Jesse as he holds her to him even as she tries to get down. Finally he lets her down.

Esmeralda goes over to Areon. "I will not hold you to me when your people have need of you. You have a duty to them even over the one to me. The wolves hold duty and honor high, I will not deprive you of your honor for my selfishness.

"If I release you, there will be no weakness to you or your pack. This is something only I can do, not even Jesse can do it. Something I should have done sooner, but I am selfish. I just hope that one day you will forgive me of this selfishness of wanting you to myself."

Esmeralda then whispers some words into the ears of Areon then steps away from him. "I just hope that we will be able to remain friends?"

Areon kneels before her and takes her hands. "There is no need for me to forgive you, My Lady. It has been my honor to serve and protect you. It will continue to be my honor to call you friend for as long as you will continue to allow it."

Areon looks over to Jesse, "I would offer to serve you even as alpha. I offer the services of my pack to the well being and protection of Lady Esmeralda when she is not inside the castle." 

Jesse looks consideringly at the young wolf lord and finally gives him a nod. "Yes, that would be acceptable and welcome if your people would be willing."

Jesse then looks at the other wolf. "Tell your beta to present himself here at the castle tomorrow. If he is acceptable to both myself, my brothers and Esmeralda he will take Areon's place as body guard. He will, however, have to earn our trust as Areon has done."

The wolf nods in understanding.

Areon takes Esmeralda in his arms once more and hugs her. "Take care, My Lady. If you ever have need you know the way to the pack." Esmeralda nods. Areon has taken her there more than once. Anytime she has gone out of the castle she has caught flashes of other wolves and thinks that the old alpha has been helping to guard her as well.

With a last kiss on her forehead, Areon lets her go and picks up his bag. "My lord, my thanks for allowing me the honor of caring for her."

Jesse nods at Areon. "Thank you for your dedication in protecting her. You will be missed here. You are welcome any time to visit."

"Thank you, my lord. I would like that." With that Areon and the other wolf that was never introduced left the castle.

Esme felt that her heart would break with his leaving.

Jesse goes to her and wraps his arms around her. The other vampires feel her pain through the claiming bond and come to the office.

Esme continues crying as Jesse explains.

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