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"Desanto,  you and Santo go and find the bastards of the groom, if you would." The two named go and search among the children now being held tight by their mothers.

They bring back four young ones, not the three the groom was bragging to them about.

Jesse seeing that looks at the groom sharply. "I thought you said that you only fathered three other children?"

The groom looks shocked and has turned white. "I hadn't known about the other child, I swear."

Jesse nods sharply, "Take the mothers of these children and move them over there." Jesse says and Carlo takes the children from his brothers and the other two go back for the mothers.

"Now, elder, before we continue, there will be no more lies. Not just the wolves, but I and my brother can tell when  you lie. How about you now tell us how many of your unmarried females are virgins?" Jesse's voice is cold and demanding, leaving no room for the elder to lie to him.

"None of them are." The elder finally concedes, giving into the vampire command.

Jesse's eyes starts burning in fury and Carlo hands him one of the children to make him take control of himself. The child, terrified out of his mind just holds as still as he can recognizing that he is being held by a predator that will kill him if he draws attention to himself.

"All unmarried females assemble to our side, NOW!" Jesse barks out.

Carlo meanwhile turns to the elder, "Are you not tasked with keeping the females pure?"

The elder sneers at the stranger before him. "Why should we do so just to give her to monsters?"

Carlo hisses in anger at the disrespect shown him. The elder and headman as well as the newlyweds and the brides parents draw back in fear. 

Carlo goes to the elder, "Because if you don't you will be killed and all those in the village."

The mothers of the groom's children go to the other side and stand quietly. Carlo takes the child back from Jesse and gives it to the crying mother. The women hold their children tightly to their breasts.

Jesse now free from the restraint the child had held on him demands of the females to know just who it was that was with them. The females point out the males that they were with.

Jesse is more than a little shocked at how old some of the males are that are pointed out.

"The one that was with me is with his wife outside the ring of the wolves."

This is heard more than once and infuriates Jesse and Carlo "You were with married men?" Jesse demands and his tone implies many things that aren't good.

"Not willingly Lord." The female says staring at Jesse's eyes proudly. 

Many of the females look at her in shock. Other's look down in shame. Jesse narrows his eyes in anger. "You were violated?" At the females nod he continues, "Who else was taken unwilling?"

As the females admit to the shame Desanto and Santo gently take them from the other females. Shortly a group of ten females ranging from fourteen to eighteen are in the new group. 

Jesse swallows his rage and forces his voice to be gentle. These females didn't oppose the rules and were more than punished already. "Tell me, what happened?"

"My father along with the head elder came to our home and sent for me. When I came my father forced me to strip then he..." The female breaks down. "When he was finished he told me to clean up then get dressed and get dinner ready he was hungry. He did all this while my mother watched and said nothing." The female is bitter and angry.

Jesse looks at another female. "I was summoned by my father, brother and the elder. For me it was my brother. It was much the same after he was finished as it was for her," the female says motioning to the first female that told Jesse her story. "Only my brother decided that once wasn't enough. He said that since the elder sanctioned the first time that it was no sin to be together. He would come in and force me any time that he wanted and many times he would have his nasty ass friends join in."

"Tell my brother's which of the men are guilty." The female nods and tells Santo which men to get. Santo brushes the tears from her face and gives her some words of comfort before going to the men and taking them from the group.

"My family consists of myself, my mother and little sister. For me it was my mother that summoned me to see the elder and our neighbor. Our neighbor was more than happy to take from me what is by rights my husband's. Then when he was finished he took my little sister as well. Then my mother. All while the piece of shit elder watched on with a sick smile on his face."

"Desanto, find out which of the men and which elder."

"Yes, Jesse. If the man has a wife?"

"Bring her as well." Jesse orders coldly, "Bring the wife of the elder as well if she still lives."

And so it goes for all ten females. They all have similar stories, the elder had called them and they were taken by either their fathers, brothers or trusted neighbors.

The mother's that watched without complaint as their daughters were violated were brought forward.

Jesse sneers at them. How could any female be willing to watch as her daughter is violated by her husband or son? He turns to the wolves, "They are still of childbearing years. Do you want them?"

The alpha had previously changed back to his human form and changed into some clothes he'd found. "We'll take them. Thank you, Lord Jesse." The alpha is smiling broadly, he hadn't expected any payment for this night for at least four years minimum.

"You can have the piece of shit males that raped their daughters and the neighbors. Just make sure that they are neutered before you turn them if you do."

The alpha smiles even more brightly at this gift.

Jesse turns to the elder and smiles his own smile and the elder turns white.

The Gift.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang