Important Update!!!

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Victor: Hey Cyborg?

Cyborg: (Eating pizza) What?

Victor: There's this question that's been bothering me for sometime.

Cyborg: What is it?

Victor: Are you sure you want to know?

Cyborg: Yes I do!

Victor: Can you have babies?

Cyborg: (Chocked on pizza)

Robin sitting on the other side of the table: (Falls off chair)

Victor: I mean, your half robot and since robots can't have kids.

Cyborg: (Still chocking on pizza)

Victor: Wait a minute. Hey guys I want to tell you that I am bringing some new people on the next chapter, just too spice things up a bit.

Robin: I'm afraid to ask, but who are they?

Victor: Well... There's Aqua Lad,



Victor: Terra,

Raven: WHAT?!!!

Victor: Maybe Blackfire and Slade


Robin: Good, so I can beat him.

Victor: Also my little brother.

Robin: Really?

Victor: Yeah, Heavy Metal!

Robin: Why is his name Heavy Metal?

Victor: You will find out soon. Anyway if there's a character you want in the show, please suggest in the comments below, though I won't make any promises.

Victor: Now Cyborg, do you even have a peni-

Cyborg: Please don't ask me again!!!

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