Raven or Terra?

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Victor: So today we will just dive right into it!

Zoria: Yep, we're on a schedule for today!

Aqua Lad: Really? What do you guys have to do today?

Zoria: We have to go scream at the ice cream truck as it drives away as fast as it can, at 12pm.

Victor: Then go yelled at Marvel for killing every dad that Peter Parker ever have.

Speedy: You guys know he's not real right?

Victor and Zoria: (Arches head slowly)

Zoria: (Writes in schedule)

Terra: What you writing?

Zoria: The time for us to go kick his butt?

Victor: At 10pm should be good.


Victor: Anyway, let's get today's question; From @anonymoushipper24 and Because I don't really want to write this wrong.

Zoria: No Because he is lazy!

Victor: Shh! They don't know that!

Victor: Shh! They don't know that!

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Raven: So...who you gonna to pick?

Beastboy: 😓😓😓😓😓😓😓

Terra: Yeah, who? (Giving death stare)

Beastboy: Umm....

Raven and Terra: Choose!!!

Beastboy: I PLEAD THE FIFTH!!!!!!

Raven and Terra: YOU GOT NO RIGHTS!!!!!

Beastboy: I want my lawyer!

Speedy: Wait Who's your lawyer?

Victor: I advise my client not to answer that!

Aqua Lad: How are you a lawyer?

Victor: No one complains when I enter the court room.

Zoria: Probably because he promise all of them doughnuts.

Victor: I advise my client not to answer the question, due to his right of privacy.

Zoria: Objection!

Zoria: According, to the rule book any questions asked by the reader shall be answered/done!

Victor: Objection!

Victor: Why should we listen to a book that was written by an idiot!

Zoria: Um...bro you wrote it.


Victor: ....a Handsome idiot!

Zoria: Still Beastboy must answer the question regardless what it will cause in his health!

Victor: You forced me to use my finally weapon!

Victor: (Whispers to Beastboy)

Beastboy: 😯😯😯😯😯😯

Victor: 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏

Beastboy: I Choose Raven!


Terra: WHAT?!

Speedy: (Yeets Terra into pit)

Victor: HEY!HEY!HEY! Do you have a license for that!

Speedy: Huh?

Victor: You have not earn your yeets license yet!

Terra: (Screaming as she falls into pit)

Terra: (Falls into someone's arms) Huh?

(Fake fire disappears and appears Aqua Lad)

Terra: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

Aqua Lad: ...Wait why am I here!

Victor and Beastboy: (Fist bump)

Zoria: Anyway, That is all for today guys!

Terra: Wait you guys are not going to explain this to us?

Victor: Special thanks to the reader who gave us the question!

Aqua Lad: Hey! Stop ignoring us!

Zoria: Please leave a truth or dare for us down in the comment section down below!

Speedy: So we are just going to leave them down there?

Victor: Please vote and hope we will see you guys later! Bye!



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