Ships Galore!

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Robin: This was the best vacation ever! We haven't had a dare for few weeks!

Cyborg: (Opening the door) Yeah I wonder why.

Starfire: Maybe fans are on break too!

Robin: That isn't how it works Star.

Starfire: 😕😕😕😕

Raven: Unfortunately I have a feeling that this vacation is coming to the end.

Beastboy: Come on Rae, be a little more open minded! Besides how can Victor do without any dares!

Starfire: Huh? (Sees letter) What's this? (Gives to Robin)


Dear Titans,

You probably have noticed that there is no dares, so now we have to do MY DARES.
I hope your ready for this chapter, because I will not be kind if you don't do the dare.
Meet me at the mall and if you don't come, let's just say me and Pennywise aren't going to
be as nice as the movie. Also yes I seen the movie.😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

See you soon Titans, Sincerely Victor


Cyborg: And I thought he wouldn't get more creepy.

Raven: How the hell did he wrote emojis?

(Glass breaks)

Titans: (Fighting stances)

??????: (Disappears)

Titans: 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

??????: (Comes out of the shadows)

Robin: Titans Go!

??????: (Charges at them with katana)

Cyborg: (Shoots blasters)

Raven: (Tries to use magic)

Beastboy: (Turns into rhino and charges)

Robin: (Tries to trip with stick)

Starfire: (Shoots energy blast)

??????: (Throws smoke bomb and disappears)

Titans: Where did it-?

??????: (Shoots blow darts at them)

Titans: 😱😫😩😯😴

??????: (Puts them in truck and drives off)

(2 hours later)

Robin: (Waking up) ...what...the....he-

??????: (Slaps him) Language buddy!

Robin: ...Victor...

??????: So you do know him!

Robin: ...wait...your a girl.

??????: No I'm just man who got nueter, of course I'm a chick!

Robin: Wait where's the others?!!

??????: In the back still knocked out.

Robin: Why did you kidnapped us?!

??????: Shut up! (Whacks Robin with Pikachu doll) Or I will let Captain Chu take care of you!

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