Teen Titans Go!!!!

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(Meanwhile in the Bat Cave)

Alfred: It is great to see you, Mr.Grayson.

Robin: Yeah its nice to see you too, Alfred. Where's Bat-

Batgirl and Jason T: (Tackle him from the behind)

Ps. I don't really know if he's here or suppose to be 'dead', But its my story, so.....yeah.

Robin: Hey!

Batgirl: Ha-ha! Still the same old Dick.

Jason: Yeah and still unaware how dangerous I am!

Robin: Ha-ha, guys! Now get off me!

Batgirl: So how are things doing at the tower?

Jason: Yeah and by the way, why did you guys made it really obviously who lives there. I mean it's a #$:%/ Letter T!

(Batman appears)



Jason and Batgirl: (Grabs popcorn)

Alfred: Now gentlemen! Be civil adults and talk to each other.

Jason: Don't ruin the show Alfred!

Alfred: 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠

Jason: 😨😨😨😨😨😨

Batman: (Breathes in) How you been Dick?

Robin:....Good.... I'm dating someone.

Batgirl: (Chokes on Popcorn)

Alfred and Batman:🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Jason: Hey man I just got this one question!


Jason: Have you gave her the D-

Batgirl: (Socks Jason)

(Phone rings)

Robin: Excuse me for a minute.

Robin: Hello?

Victor: Hey! This is Victor and I need your opinion on something.

Robin: Not now Victor!

Victor: Which do you like better Pink or Blue cotton candy?

Robin: What? Pink, Why-?

(Victor teleports in the Bat cave)

Jason: Holy $#!%!

Batgirl: (Jumps up)

Batman: (Got batarang ready)

Alfred: (Doesn't even care)

Victor: (Yeets cotton candy at Robin)

Robin: Why?!

Victor: Just because-!

Batgirl: (Goes for kick)

Victor: (Blocks her kick and Yeets her into the bat computer)

Jason: (Takes out gun)

Victor: (Takes out bazooka)

Jason: Where did you even-

Victor: (Blast Jason)

Batman: (Throws batarangs)

Victor: (Throws water balloons at him)

Batman: (Glares at him)

Victor: (Flips him off)

Victor: (Throws smoke bomb)

Truth Or Dare With The Teen Titans!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora