The Notebook

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Sami's PoV

As soon as we were all dismissed I practically sprinted down the hall to get out, what a waste of two hours. I completely forgot about what Stevie has been investigating until we had all got outside in the night air.

"Oh crap! We forgot to see what Stevie found earlier."

Olivia replied as everyone turned to face me.

"Gosh I completely forgot, I was too busy focussing on getting out of that infernal class that I forgot we even had these mysterious powers, let alone whatever Stevie discovered."

"Same here. Do you reckon we should go back in and ask her  about what she found."

I looked around the group. I could see the reluctance in everyone's faces at the prospect of spending anymore time in there, yet I could see they were intrigued by this mystery too.

It was Tommy who responded.

"As much as I want to know what she found, I kinda wanna get home. How about we make a group chat and we can quiz her on that."

Everyone firmly nodded their heads enthusiastically, glad that they could head home and wouldn't have to go back into the class.

I rolled my eyes at them. They may want to get home and just find out later, but I'm a nosy, impatient person. I want to know what Stevie found now. I sighed, defeated, and reluctantly turned and began walking home with Olivia and Blair.

Stevie's PoV

I watched as James and Gwen walked down the hallway and out of the door. I held the notebook firmly in my hand as I approached a chair at the far corner of the reception area. I sat down and immediately began skimming through the notebook, which upon opening, I realised was his own personal diary. Whoops. In that case I definitely shouldn't have took it, but I'm positive he has written things about us in here. I guess my curiosity really has got the better of me.

I flicked through the pages to the most recent entry.

Monday - second session of teaching

Second? He only came here for the first time this week. Somethings definitely not right.

It was my second session of teaching the kids today. I was going to mention about the power things, but I decided to wait until next week since I wanted to get to know their personalities a bit better first, and try to figure out what powers they got.

I don't think any of them suspected anything, I mean it would be hard to figure out I'm not this Mr Howle character, I don't even know if that was the guys name, I just made it up on the spot. I hope none of the kids noticed.

Wait, what!? He's impersonating Mr Howle. But how on earth does he look so different??

I continued reading.

Actually, one of the kids might suspect something. She looked startled when I said her name, I guess she wondered how I knew it since this was the first time 'Mr Howle' taught them.

Oh no! He noticed my surprise when he said my name.

I can't figure out any of their powers by looking at them, I'm going to have to ask them about it next week. Well actually, that boy, Blair, wasn't wearing his glasses this week so his power might be to do with his vision, but that might be because he is wearing contact lenses.

Next week is going to be very interesting. I'm just going to have to convince them not to say anything to anyone. Nothing a little bribery won't solve.

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