Putting the Plan into Action

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Tommy's PoV

James: Olivia is right, what's the worst that could happen?

What's the worst that could happen?!? I scoffed. I'd rather not have to think about that thank you very much.

Blair: So when is Stevie going to follow him home?

Gwen: It sounds so creepy when you put it like that.

Olivia: Well, there isn't really any other way to put it- that's exactly what she is going to do.

You: I think she should do it sooner rather than later. How about tomorrow after school Stevie?

Gwen: Isn't that a bit too soon?!

Stevie: Fine by me, I want to get this over with.

Sami: Well good luck, you will probs need it.

Gwen: Have a bit of faith.

Sami: Ok sorry.

James: Perfect! Anyways better go and do that chemistry homework he set us.

Sami: Oh no, what homework?!?

Olivia: He set us homework? I wasn't paying attention the whole lesson. Who's going to fail with me?

Sami: Definitely me.

You: Same.

James: Lol I'm only joking, he didn't assign us anything.

Sami: Well thanks a bunch for that unnecessary panic attack.

James: No problem ;)

Sami: Hey! I'm supposed to be the sarcastic one here!

Olivia: And me.

James: Ok ok lol.

I rolled my eyes at them before I set my phone aside. Only they could have an argument about sarcasm in the middle of a conversation about stalking a murderer home.

Woah that sounds sinister.

I decided I should read for a bit to take my mind off things. Plus, my parents are always on at me to. They think all I do is sit and play the Xbox. Well newsflash I don't.

About half an hour passed before I began yawning and decided to call it a night. I was too comfortable to get up and switch the light off, so I chucked my book across the room and hit my target. What can I say? Playing video games does have some benefits.

And for all you book lovers out there, no books came to any harm. It fell flat on its back, not a single crease or rip in sight.

As for the instruction manual on how to reattach a light switch to a wall after it has mysteriously fallen down, that's a different story. It may have a ripped page or two.

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