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Gwen's PoV

We ducked down from the window so as not to be seen as Olivia sent a warning message to Stevie.

"Has she seen the message?" My voice was barely a whisper.

Olivia consulted her phone as we huddled in close, remaining hidden.

"She's seen it."

I was about to reply when Tommy interrupted.

"Guys shut up, the window is open and they are literally in that room. They might hear us."

We both clamped our hands over our mouths as James peeked over the window ledge to see what was going on.

"Shit!" James let out a hushed exclamation.

"He's caught her. We need to do something, and quickly."

Each of our faces slowly paled as we tried to come up with a solution. It was Sami who spoke first.

"I don't think we have much choice. We have to go in there and help her."

Despite our obvious fear, we all agreed this was the only option. We couldn't just leave her.

"I have an idea," Olivia's face suddenly brightened. "He has written a bunch of phone numbers on a bit of paper stuck to his fridge. Although I can't read them I bet one of them is his mobile number. Blair can zoom in on the number with his powers and call the number to get him out of the room for a bit."

We all looked pretty satisfied with the plan before Tommy thought of a small flaw.

"It could definitely work, but what if he has his mobile on him?"

Olivia looked thoughtful for a minute before answering with a fabulous, logical solution.

"We will cross that bridge if we come to it."

I rolled my eyes but didn't argue- I knew we needed to be as swift as possible. Arguing would only waste our valuable time, so I decided we should get started.

"Let's go for it."


We turned to face Sami.

"I'll come up with you, that way if it's the right number you can read it out to me so I can store it in my mind."

I nodded at Sami. "Good idea."

We hunched down further as Blair and Sami peeked through the window to read the numbers written on the fridge door. I watched as Blair whispered something in Sami's ear before they returned down to the ground.

Sami brought out her phone and turned off her caller ID before typing in the number. We held our breath as it dialled, knowing that if this didn't work, we would be at a loss as to how to help Stevie.

Triumphant smirks spread across each of our faces as we heard a faint ringtone through the open window.

Gesturing for us to follow, James started to climb through the gap into the house. Sami stayed outside to keep him talking as the rest of us entered the kitchen.

As soon as I landed on the floor, I looked around desperately to find Stevie, before turning to face James.

"Where is she?"

"She was standing over there, I'm guessing she is still invisible."

I walked over to where he was pointing.


She slowly became visible to us.

"Are you alright?" My voice was thick with worry.

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