Chapter 6: Getting physical

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Allison hadn't intended for Rory to cry today, so she tried to comfort her a bit with a hand on her shoulder, reassuring her that the coat could probably be saved.

The other two other girls just couldn't stop giggling.

"Look Rory, if anyone did that with my coat, I would punch them. So, what are you going to do to Becky? You can't just let her do that, can you? Come on, we can do this together, stand up!"

She made Rory stand, taking her superskinny upper arms from behind as if the smaller girl were her personal puppet, walked her over to Becky and said "Come on sweetie, you can punch her now, get your own back on her!", while pushing Rory's arms into Becky's stomach.

"Rory, you need to clench your fist at least!", Becky said mockingly.

"Yeah come on, try again," urged Allison, who was also making fun of the victim.

Little Jackie nearly fell over with laughter as Rory's weak, limp fist was pushed into Becky's stomach by Allison a number of times.

Allison and Becky were well-developed, athletic girls with good muscle tone and well capable of taking care of themselves. Allison was a tall blonde with strong biceps and thighs, but still slim overall.

Although Jackie was the thinnest, youngest and most petite of the three, she still could take down anyone as weak as Rory Gilmore in about two seconds.

She'd had a few fights with girls her own age, and though she deliberately picked weak opponents, she always came out on top.

"Wow, she's so defenceless," Becky remarked, and kept on looking down at Rory's stockinged feet, just to keep making the victim feel embarrassed about that.

"So vulnerable", Jackie observed.

"Totally powerless", taunted Allison.

With that, Allison took hold of Rory's upper arms from behind and started roundly kneeing the smaller girl in her small, flat arse, repeatedly.

Almost automatically, she pulled Rory's blazer off her and chucked it on a desk along with her cute tank top, leaving the victim in just her white shirt, tie, skirt and tights.

Rory felt so much more exposed like that, having her very thin arms gripped through just a thin white shirt was definitely more embarrasssing.

"Wow, so skinny", Allison remarked.

In seconds, Becky had whipped out her phone out and started filming.

"This is so going on the internet," she said, a bit hysterically.

"Yes, we can call it 'skinnyass gets a pounding' ", Jackie suggested. "Put it on youtube."

"You bet," Becky said happily.

Rory's heart really sank. She'd never considered that they might film any of this. 

Now, she understood properly what Becky had said earlier about destroying victims socially. 

Allison wasn't really hurting Rory physically, as the aim was to humiliate her.

Once Becky started filming, it spurred Allison on even more to really put on a show.

And she certainly made a big show of pushing Rory right around the room from behind, while continuing to knee her in the bum, over and over.

She did it just hard enough to show who was boss here and to make Rory wince.

Spotting her own chance to join in, Jackie picked up Rory's yellow schoolbag, that she'd been guarding at her feet, unzipped it and held it up in the air over her head.

"Hey Rory, look!", Jackie called out, as she cruelly emptied its contents all over the floor without hesitation. All her books, notebooks, exercise books, pens and pencils, went everywhere.

Becky was so impressed at how the youngster took the initiative like that and told her so.

All Rory could do was just stand and watch (still being restrained by Allison), as this savage ninth grade munchkin upended her bag on the ground and then started kicking her books and pens all around the floor enthusiastically.

Becky kept filming, making sure to film Rory's face as it all happened. That made the victim determined not to cry this time.

It was all quite hilarious and pretty thrilling for everyone as Jackie continued to kick Rory's books everywhere and Becky filmed. She kicked Rory's empty bag so high in the air that it landed on a high-up window hook and got caught up there.

Everyone was having fun except Rory.

And Allison had another cruel idea in store...

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