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Klaus had barged into the room with no clear plan in his mind

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Klaus had barged into the room with no clear plan in his mind. He was only filled with so much rage and hurt, but Hannah had hidden something that was a part of him. 

A son. 

That Jace was actually a Mikaelson and was his firstborn child.

"How could you?!" Klaus had shouted right in front of Hannah's face. 

Hannah was still in shock by the fact that her son had shouted at him just moments ago, showing his real frustrations about his family life. Hannah didn't want him to feel that way, she wanted him to feel normal and happy. 

She just didn't know that his version of normal was a version in which he had his biological father to look up to and that there were no drastic changes in his life.

"How could you hide a child from me?" Klaus asked again. 

This time though, his voice was filled with pain and a lone tear had fallen from his eye. He did not believe that he could have a second child. He thought that if Hannah ever excepted him back into her life, that she and Klaus would raise Hope together.

"This child is my blood, he is my family. It was not your choice to make to hide him from me. I could've protected you both, I could've watched him grow up. The situation Hope would not have happened in the first place, we could've been a family, but you chose to hide them for me," Klaus said. 

Hannah knew that she was to blame for this, the hurt that he was feeling was justified. Though, Hannah did not believe that she was completely to blame for this.

In this situation, Klaus had as much to blame as she did and not being a part of chases life. He had chosen to cheat on her, he chose to make the choice of not fighting for their relationship. 

He didn't even realize that his girlfriend had come into his house and seen them together, and he chose not to tell me that he was going to New Orleans. 

He was indirectly telling her that they were breaking up, and she was pregnant and alone.

"Don't you dare put all the blame on me," Hannah said.

Her voice was filled with such rage, this was rage that she did not have a chance to show Klaus before. He had run away to New Orleans before she could. She was sad, and she was pregnant and alone. That was not something that she had hoped. She had hoped that they would raise their child together, and be a real family.

"You have no idea of what I have been through," Hannah had started on.

Once Hannah had started to speak, there was no stopping her. She had so many emotions bottled up, and telling other people about it wasn't going to help her anymore.

She had to face the situation right ahead, and there was no escaping to anywhere this time. They both had to face the fact that they had destroyed the relationship and that they were both to blame.

Whether or not that they could salvage this relationship was their choice.

"You left me broken, you left me alone, you left me pregnant, and this was all because you cheated on me," Hannah said.

When she had said before that they both knew what had destroyed the relationship, Klaus had not made the connection. 

He had a sneaking suspicion that she could've known, or that she had connected the dots when he went to New Orleans, though he did not expect her to know everything. Though, the evidence was told to all of the supernatural communities.

"Did you know that the night you cheated on me I was going to tell you I was pregnant?" Hannah said.

She had then begun to sob. 

There's so much that she wanted to say to him at that moment. 

She couldn't, because she was so overwhelmed with emotion because she had just found out she was pregnant and because she found her boyfriend cheating on her. Klaus had looked away from her. He was ashamed of his actions. 

He knew that there will be consequences for the one night stand that he had, but in this case, the consequence was not getting to know his child. He believed that Hope was his only child, and he gave her all of his love and attention. Jace did not get the treatment, and Klaus had felt horrible about that.

"Of course you didn't, you didn't come back, and now you suffer the consequences," Hannah had finished.  

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