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"Oh, Ella, there you are!" Rosalie hugged Ariella gently. She led the both of them to the Cullen table, where Ariella found her sister glaring daggers at her. She swore, if glares could kill, she would already be 6 feet under, if not deeper. "Come on, the rest of the family wants to meet you."

Ariella sat beside a pixie-like girl and Rosalie. One of the men, a honey blonde one, smirked at Ariella lazily. Ariella gulped as nervousness filled her. Bella never stopped glaring daggers at her sister. The brunette was hesitant to lock eyes with any of them, especially Edward, who so painfully reminded her of her late best friend.

"Hi!" Emmett said, ever the sunshine, smiling at Ariella. "My name is Emmett Cullen. It's rare for Rose to bring someone to our table. She must really like you."

Ariella forced a smile on her face. "Well, the feeling is mutual. I find Rose's company very comforting."

Bella scoffed silently. Edward looked at her in disapproval. Alice smiled at Ariella brightly. "Hello! My name is Alice Cullen! I have a feeling we'll be very great friends, Ari!"

Jasper felt the sudden sadness that hit Ariella. Ariella's heart clenched upon hearing the nickname fall so easily upon the young woman. Jasper felt his own heart clench as well. "Are you alright?"

"I . . . I . . . Yes, I-I'm alright." Ariella smiled at Alice and Jasper sadly. "It's just that . . . The nickname reminded me of my friend who used to call me that."

"As if you had any friends." Bella sneered at Ariella.

"At least I have a social life." Ariella retorted. She was getting tired of Bella's attempts to get her irritated, and she figured it was time for her to strike back as well. She desperately clutched her wand inconspicuously, aching to do something with it and not just carry it around like a useless stick. Due to her anger, a streak of red appeared next to the blonde, and the Cullens exchanged a curious glance at the subtle change in her hair.

"A social life with freaks." Bella spat.

It wasn't a good idea to anger Ariella, to be honest. She might be one of the kindest souls, but when you anger her, you might as well be running for your life. She might be kind, but she does not forgive easily. A change in her emotions caused Jasper to glance at her through the corner of his eyes again.

"Bella, I told you once before." Ariella said with a low and subtle snarl. "Never bring my friends into a conversation where you insult me."

Bella curled against Edward's side. Ariella brought herself to glare at her sister and Edward (with great difficulty) before leaning back and sighing. She was tired of her sister always contradicting her and insulting her.

"I haven't introduced myself yet." Jasper smirked at Ariella and her fierceness. "My name is Jasper Hale, nice to meet you, sugar."

Ariella smiled at the man tiredly, meeting his beautiful amber eyes. The nickname that had fallen so easily on his lips did not go past her. His Southerner twang made the word 'sugar' sound like 'sugah'. With amused and playful eyes, she said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, kind sir."

If Jasper was still capable of blushing, he would probably be cherry red. Alice smiled at the two. It was nice to see her brother smile after all those years of being alone in the vampire world. Even though the sight made her dead heart ache a little, she was happy for the honey-blonde vampire and his newfound mate.

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