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My room is the one place that I know no one will come to bother me

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My room is the one place that I know no one will come to bother me. Not that anyone would go to my house anyway.

Ever since Spencer left to go to Beverly I've been pretty much been on my own. So that mainly leaves me to hang out with my brother. Ew. Just the thought of hanging out with Jason made me almost throw up. Most people actually like Jason, which I have absolutely no idea why because  he is literally the devil reincarnated. Alright maybe that was a little bit overdramatic but seriously go ask my stuffed bear Mr. Tibbles what he thinks of him. Oh wait! You can't because someone, aka Jason, flushed him down the toilet when I was ten and he was eleven. And I don't know about you but I'm known to hold grudges and let me tell you, this one's not going away anytime soon.

Okay back to the topic of me having no friends.
I mean sure I still have Coop, but she's becoming more and more involved with Shawn and his crew, and let me tell you that is some business that I do not want to get into. But even when she's not with Shawn she's with Patience.  And there's nothing wrong with that. I get it, that's her girlfriend, obviously she's going to be with her. But still, we only ever hangout when Spencer's around. And yeah I could bring it up to her but I don't want to seem overbearing and whiny so I don't. But on the bright side, Spencer comes home every weekend. I miss him a lot but I can't blame him for going to Beverly. I mean hell I was practically the one that forced him to take the offer in the first place.

(A few weeks ago)

"Spence you need to take the offer."

Spencer and I sat on the swings at the park while he told me about the offer the football coach from Beverly Hills High School gave him.

"I can't just leave Car. What if something happens to you or Coop and I can't be there to protect you. And what about my mom and Dillon. I can't leave them, they need me." Spencer says to me with a small sigh.

"I get that Spence. But Coop and I can take care of ourselves. Even though I hate to say it, I have Jason and Coop has— well Coop is Coop, she'll be fine. And I know for a fact your mom will want you to take this offer. Her and Dillon will be just fine. I'm still going to be here and so is Coop and you know that if they ever need anything they can call one of us. Plus Beverly isn't even that far away, so if anything does happen you can always come back." I said to him desperately trying to convince him to go.

See I never had the chance to leave Crenshaw. And if I ever did, you bet your ass I would take it in a heartbeat. Before my dad left us, my mom was planning on moving us out to a better area. They had been house hunting and they finally had enough money saved up to give my brother and I a better life. However, that all changed within an instant. When my dad left, my mom no longer had the second income so she had to start working double shifts at the diner she worked at to make enough money to feed Jason and I. Both of us wanted to get jobs to help mom with the bills, but she insisted that we just focus on our schoolwork. Which in my opinion is pointless. I mean honestly, when am I ever going to need to use the pythagorean theorem in my daily life. When I'm trying to figure out which cereal I should buy? I think not.

Anyway, mom gave up everything for us and all I want to do is repay her. But being only sixteen limits my ability just a little bit. There are some nights that mom will come home at two or three in the morning from work just to make a little extra money for the week. I can't help but resent my dad for all he put us through and honestly I don't think I can ever forgive. You know what, I'll forgive him when hell freezes over. And if that happens I'll call Lucifer myself and we can seriously talk about this global warming issue because if it's such a big deal and everyone is scared, then how in the hell would hell be able to freeze over, it just doesn't scientifically add up. But back to the point, I haven't heard from my dad since I was six and I seriously doubt I will anytime soon. I mean for all I know he could be on a yacht in Monaco living it up with his other family that he probably has. Or maybe he's in Antarctica fighting with some polar bears over the last fish. To be honest I don't really care.

My dad was a well known nurse throughout Crenshaw, one that everyone knew and trusted. But one day he got a business offer in Florida and we never saw him again. No goodbye no nothing. All he left us was  five thousand dollars that he had saved to help my mom out. He should've kept his pity money to himself if you ask me. Five thousand dollars was nowhere near enough to support two children and pay the house bills. Truly it only prepared us for a few months. Between you and me I hope I never have to see him again because if I do I have no idea what would happen. But I can guarantee you that there will be no welcome home party.

"I know Carter but I belong in Crenshaw, not Beverly." Spencer said quietly pulling me out of my daydream.

Those words made me beyond furious, if Spencer keeps going on about how Crenshaw is his home I seriously think the vein on the side of my forehead might actually pop, "God Spencer, are you serious? No one belongs in Crenshaw, especially not you. You have this big opportunity to make something of yourself, and here you are sitting on a swing set talking to me. Things like this don't happen to people like us. This is a once in a lifetime chance. Don't you see that? People would kill to be in your position. If you don't take this offer and run with it I'm telling you now you're gonna regret it." I huffed out, running my fingers through my hair. Which is a habit that I do whenever I get stressed out. I've been doing it since I was little.

"I'll think about it Car." Spencer finally said after a moment of silence.

(Present time)

Spencer and I normally talk to each other at least once a day, so it was no surprise to me that he was calling. But what did surprise me was that it was the middle of the night when my phone rang. I mean who in their right mind calls a person in the middle of the night when they know I'm sleeping. Sleeping might not be extremely important to everyone but to me, my sleep is everything. Seriously, Spencer and Coop tried waking me up on my birthday last year and let me just tell you Spencer left with scratches on his arms and Coop left with a little less hair. Needless to say, they won't be doing that again. So to say that I was startled when my phone rang would be an understatement. The sound alone almost made me fall off my bed. And when I say almost, I mean I did fall off my bed, hitting my head on the corner of my dresser in the process. Remind me again why I thought having a dresser next to my bed was a good idea. Letting out a loud yelp, I rubbed my eyes cursing whoever called me seeing as Peter Parker was just about to kiss me after he saved me from falling off a building with his webs.

Looking down at my phone I rolled my eyes when I saw who was calling me at this ungodly hour. "Spencer, this better be good because I'm pretty sure I have a concussion." I quietly hissed through the phone, rubbing my forehead where I can already feel a bump growing might I add.

With panic laced in his voice he said, "Carter I need your help."

As soon as I heard those words my eyes widened and I was no longer thinking about Peter Parker and my growing migraine. Instead I nodded my head and said, "I'll be there in 5."

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