Welcome back to Gravity Falls

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No one's POV

As Mabel and Dipper make their way down the road on their way home from school. Mabel soon breaks the silence that was for some reason going on. "Hey, Mason you excited to go back to Gravity Falls"? Mabel asked expression full of joy and excitement. Dipper/Mason of the course of the year has grown of being called by his middle name and likes being called by his first name now. Dipper looks up from the book he was reading while he was walking. " I sure am I can't believe it's been 4 years since we've been to Gravity Falls I can't wait to see everyone again. But secretly Mason couldn't care less about seeing the rest of his family the one he really wanted to see was Ford. Ford was the weirdest person he knew and know that he's 17 he doesn't have to act afraid of anything anymore. Truth is Mason want really afraid of anything except his family thinking he was abnormal for liking weird things. Mason was deep in thought at the time he didn't realize that they were at the house. Mason looked up. "Oh". " Come mason we gotta go clean our rooms before mom and dad get back". Before Mason could react Mabel started racing into the house. Mason was about to follow her when he heard an all too familiar voice echo through his head. "Hiya Pinetree". BILL Mason thought. "The one and only". Bill said his voice maniacal and threatening. " Get out of my head you evil Illuminati look alike". Mason said clearly annoyed. "Fine Pinetree but ill be back". With that Bill left the sound of his insane and crazy laughter echoing through Mason's ears. Mason rolled his eyes. Not being scared is really his thing huh. Then Mason walked calmly into his house to clean up his room and his mind, while he was at it.

Ooh, our boy is a tuff one so as to can see the whole chapter is in third person because I didn't want to say on Mason pov and people who didn't know dippers first name to be like what. Then I couldn't put it in Mabel's pov cause that wouldn't go with the way I wanted to write the story so yea. Till the next chapter my beautiful readers.

Summoning The Second CipherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora