The dream of a lifetime

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Mason's POV

The bus ride was gonna be long and boring. So I decided to take a quick power nap to make the time go faster. Little did I know how bad an idea it actually was. I woke up in a the woods. Everything was in gray scale and I could see the mystery shack. Wait. I'm in the mindscape. "You sure are Pinetree." I let out a long sigh. At this point bill was just being a nuisance. "Aw Pinetree why so you gotta be so rude?" Why the hell are you reading my thought with yo stale tortilla chips looking ass. I could see the hurt and annoyance in bills eye "Wow lot of anger going on there huh Pinetree". Bill said pointing at me. Him calling me Pinetree was starting to get annoying. First of all stop calling me Pinetree. Secondly what the hell do you want? " Wow I'm hurt Pinetree. Bill said had on his triangle chest. I just wanted to drop by my favorite zodiac sign." I rolled my eyes bill is the best liar. Bill. What. Do. You. Want. I said anger clearly in my voice. " Fine Pinetree you got me I wanna make a deal. He said" I looked at bill in such a stupid way. Why in the hell would I make a deal with you. Bill the looked at me eye squinting like you was smirking. "Well Pinetree I can give you anything. Ultimated power. Super hearing. Anything. All for the low low price of those three journals you uncle's got there." I looked at bill with a blank expression. I was thinking pretty hard about this. I couldn't give the journals. But something about being able to be as powerful as bill just put I smile on my face. I could get revenge on all the people who wronged me. Wait. What am I thinking I'm not evil. I'm not like bill. But still this could come in handy. "Then it's a deal then Pinetree." Bill said. He must have been reading my thoughts. No bill it's not a deal for now but I'll change my mind eventually. So I'll think about it. Bill said that was fine. And disappeared. And with that I woke up. Mabel was shaking me. Yo bro bro we're here.

Oh looks like our hero has a dark side. Let's hope that it not too dark tho to much dark doesn't leave room for light. But anyway I'ma head out latskyies

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