Sealed the Deal (Edited)

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Mason's POV

I woke up to a horrible smell and soon realized Stan was cooking again. I didn't feel like socializing with my family so I decided to stay in my room. I still had a couple of Poptarts from the night before. I quickly ate and got ready for the day. I brushed my teeth and my hair then went to my closet to find clothes. After looking at what I had I decided to wear an orange t-shirt greenish pants, the dog tag that my dad gave me,  and a blue zip-up hoodie with triangle and Pinetree symbols on it with the sleeves rolled up so my tattoos show. I left my Pinetree hat at home so I just let my bangs fall over my birthmark. After grabbing my orange bag I walked downstairs to see my family eating I walked past them not saying a word opened the door closing it behind me and walked towards the woods. After about ten minutes I got to the middle of the woods and sit on a nearby rock. I close my eyes and focus on what I really came here to do. I took a deep breath a whispered his name "Bill" hoping he would appear. I opened my eyes and realized that everything was in grayscale the river I was close to was as still as a mannequin. My hopes suddenly rose as I heard a familiar laugh I turned around and looked at the source of the laughter. To my surprise, the yellow one-eyed triangle I was expecting to see was nowhere to be found but instead, there was a tall man with blonde hair that could be considered gold tan skin and a black short trench coat looking thing the buttons were triangles he wore white pants with a yellow belt that wasn't fastened around his waist.  He had a black top hat and his eyes were glowing  yellow. He looked like he could be my age if not a year older. I stared at the tall handsome individual. I opened my mouth staggering to get words to come out but the came out as stutters. "B-bill". Was the only thing that came out. The gorgeous man smirked. I could see the playfulness in his eye. "The one and only Pinetree". I couldn't say anything I just started eyes wide mouth hung open. "You like what you see Pinetree". Bill said in a sing song voice. I couldn't lie to him. " I can't say that I don't bill. I told him with as much courage as I could build up. He smirked at me and floated down to the ground now on his feet. I didn't even realize he was hovering above me. " Well Pinetree aren't you sweet". I blushed a light red. But remembered why I was here. "Bill I wanna make a deal". I said cheeks still a little red. He looked at me with a playful expression. " Oh Pinetree you don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say that". " Bill this is serious". I said annoyed. "Ok fine Pinetree what do you want". "I wanna be a demon for 24 hours just to see how it feels." Which a scary amount of confidence in my voice. " And what do I get in return". Bill said while raising an eyebrow. "I'll take you on a date". I said looking serious. Bill brushed and only nodded holding his hand out which ignited in blue flames. I shook his hand and our deal was sealed. And I walked back home wondering when I would feel the powers.

Wtw everybody so that was the chapter and just to let you know when I read I book I like the author to occasionally put pictures to help me think of what the characters look like so with that being said since Dipper described him and bills outfit I'll put a picture of how they look

Wtw everybody so that was the chapter and just to let you know when I read I book I like the author to occasionally put pictures to help me think of what the characters look like so with that being said since Dipper described him and bills outfit ...

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That's Dipper beautiful isn't he.

That's Dipper beautiful isn't he

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And that's my son bill Cipher

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