Peace Without My Twin

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Ok so for now on I'm gonna address Mason as Dipper in the story if this is to confusing let me know.


Mason's POV

"My name is Mason" I said to the twins and I wasn't talking about me and Mabel. I started walking and pushed past Ford on my way to the attic room. I got upstairs closed the door behind me I then threw my bag on Mable's bed and plopped down on mine. Staring at the ceiling deep in thought. I closed my eyes and sighed. Then right at that moment my stomach growled. I sighed again and got up and walked downstairs. I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. With my head in the fridge I heard someone walk in. I looked up to see Stan just looking at me up and down. He obviously was angry I was raiding the fridge. I thought I should piss him off more just for the fun of it so I did. " Aye fatso we got any food around here or did you store it all for the apocalypse again." I said with a chuckle. Stan didn't seem amused which was exactly what I was going for. He glared at me shooting daggers at me with his eyes. I kept my cool not even flinching at his lame attempt to scare me. " Yea we do but dinner isn't ready yet so I guess you'll be waiting funny man." He said anger in his voice not taking his icy glare off me. " Do you really think I'm eating with you people I'll pass." I said looking in the cabinets while talking to him. I looked in one more cabinet and found a 16 box of Poptarts that haven't even been opened yet. I grabbed them and started walking back stopping to say one more thing to Stan. " These will do I'm going back to my room night Stanley." I said in a mocking tone. I went upstairs hearing stan whisper a curse word before u made it to my room.

It's been about two hours it's 11:00 pm now I've already taken a shower and gone through my nightly routine. I'm was in the bed reading a book. Then I look to Mabel's bed a realized she wasn't here. I wonder where she was. But to be honest I couldn't care less. I put my book down and layed down peacefully falling into a deep sleep.

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