6 - Newcomer

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I spend my first week and a half in Cocoa Falls holed up in my room, so I'm in no way prepared for the torrent of awkward that bursts forth when Aunt Lil, Gigi, and Ruby and I step into public together for the first time. When we enter the quaint eatery where we're having a 'last day of summer vacation' brunch, a hush worthy of a Yeti sighting ripples through the packed interior.

"Reservation for Thrill, please," Aunt Lil says to the hostess. After giving me a onceover that makes me wonder if I sprouted fur since we left home, she leads us to an empty booth at the back of the restaurant. As we pass a particularly stupefied looking table of women, I hear one of them mumble something about a distant cousin from Biloxi. "I'm not sure if your mom told you," Aunt Lil whispers to me as we walk beneath the gigantic crystal chandelier at the room's center, "but no one knew she was pregnant when she left."

"No, she didn't mention that," I reply through clenched teeth.

The number of eyes on me is unsettling, and it occurs to me that some of these people could totally be Shadows masquerading as regular people (I mean, that's technically what I'm doing). As another set of probing eyes traces over me, my heart starts to beat a little faster. I know it's only a matter of time before something bad happens. As I slide into the booth, I take a nervous peek at the chandelier.

"Try to ignore the stares," Aunt Lil continues. "They're trying to make sense of you. In a small town like Cocoa Falls, people are really unnerved by things that don't seem to add up, so they improvise. Just go with it."

Easier said than done. The whispers seem to crescendo the longer we sit. Even our server looks at me like I'm from another planet.

After we place our orders, I try to settle in. Since school starts tomorrow, it's probably in my best interest to get used to the gawking.

As if reading my mind, Aunt Lil speaks again. "It won't be like this at school. Kids your age don't know anything about your parents, so rest assured that if they stare, it's only because you're pretty." She smiles at me, and I smile back, not the least bit relieved.

Another hush suddenly falls over the room, and all heads swivel toward the entrance. I'm almost thankful for the reprieve, but then the beautiful olive-skinned woman who has just entered the restaurant takes her sunglasses off and looks right at me. The moment I recognize her as the woman from the plane who seemed a bit too intrigued by my lapel pin, a shock shoots down my arms. I give the chandelier one last look a split second before all the bulbs shatter and the power goes out.


We're able to get our food to go.

I ask Aunt Lil about the mystery woman, but she'd disappeared right after the power outage, and Lil hadn't seen her. All I know is that at this rate, my little secret won't be a secret for long.

When we get home, I call Neighbor James as Lil and Gigi are out of earshot. He answers on the fourth ring, and I can hear the blare of his Call of Duty Commander barking orders over the sound of machine-gun fire.


"Hi, Neighbor James. It's me."



"Not you, Blissy. Hold on just a sec, alright? I'm about to beat this level."

I chuckle. "Sure, Neighbor James. I'll hold."

There are a few more rounds of gunfire followed a couple of grenade explosions, then I hear him whoop triumphantly. The game goes silent and he comes back to the phone.

"BLISSY!" he hollers. It makes me smile. "To what do I owe the honor of a Sunday phone call?"

"I need to talk to you, Neighbor James."

"Oh boy. Those words are never good coming from a woman's mouth. What's the matter, girly? You blessing me with my first great-gran already?"

I laugh. It feels good to laugh. "No. Nothing like that, sir.

"Whew! That's a relief. How's the adjustment? You met any freakazoids yet?"

"Actually, that's what I'm calling about, Neighbor James. Apparently I'm the freakazoid...." I tell him about the fiasco of a flight and the brunch incident, as well as the discomfort I still feel around my aunt and my fears about starting school tomorrow. "It seems like everywhere I go, people whisper and stare."

"Sounds like you need a pep talk, Soldier..."

Oh boy. The last time he called me "Soldier", he was reprimanding me for letting this giant senior girl named Nina Gillespie punk me out of my lunch when I was a freshman.

"Umm... I don't think that's entirely necess—"

"Now you listen here, Blissy..." he begins, ignoring me, "I don't care how scared you are. You are a WARRIOR!"

"But, Neighbor James—"

"NO BUTS ABOUT IT, GIRLY!" I pull the phone away from my ear to keep my eardrum from exploding. "You were made for this, you hear me?" he says.

I sigh. "Yes, sir. I hear you loud and clear, trust me...."

"You go out there and you launch an all-out assault on your fears, got it? Fear. Is. Your. Enemy."

"Yes, sir. I got it."

"You know I love you, right, Missy Blissy?"

At this, I begin to cry. "I do, Neighbor James. I'm just nervous, is all. I don't know anyone here, and I have no idea what I'm doing...."

"I know, I know. But like I said before, the people you need'll be there when you need 'em. Don't worry, alright? You're in good hands down there."

I'm about to ask him how he could possibly know that, but I hear Aunt Lil coming up the stairs. I say a hasty goodbye, hang up, and dart into my room just before she gets up the final few steps and sees me crying.  

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