33 - Bright Lights, Dark Fights

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In the twilight, the Cocoa Falls carnival is the closest thing to Spark heaven I've ever encountered. Multicolored lights flash in haphazard ripples in front of the pink horizon, giving the impression of a million rainbow fireflies dancing in the crisp, autumn air. Tobin and I are standing near the merry-go-round waiting for Ruby and Aunt Lil to return from the port-a-potty when I hear my name.

"Bliss!" Luca rushes over to me looking exasperated. "Thank God." She grabs my arm and pulls me close, and I see Apollo, Candis, and Von not too far away. "B, I can't handle it," she whispers. "The tension around here is thicker than butter. Pol's negative energy is off the charts, and Candis is so lost in Vonderville, she wouldn't see what was going on if Apollo had 'I love you, you redheaded idiot' tattooed across his forehead."

I watch Apollo fight to maintain his composure while Candis wraps her arms around Von's neck, and Von lifts her off her feet in a stunning display of affection. Apollo looks like he just ate a handful of scorpions.

"Oh my word, I can't take this anymore," Luca mumbles. Turning to Candis and Von, she shouts, "Hey guys, look who's here!"

Von sets Candis down and waves. He grabs her hand and pulls her in our direction, but her eyes roll the moment she sees me. It stings and irritates me all at the same time.

The minute Tobin sees Von, he runs and throws his little arms around Von's waist. "Baby brother-in-law!" Von says, squatting in front of him and ruffling his mess of brown curls. "How's it hanging, big man?"

"You two know each other?" I ask.

"We sure do." Von's wide smile beams as brightly as the carnival lights as he looks at the little boy.

Tobin turns to me, grinning from ear to ear. "My big sister and Von's brother are gunna get married one day!" he says.

"Oh, that's right. Your dad did mention two sons," I reply, recalling my brief conversation with Pastor William. "I didn't know you had a sister though, Tobin." Tobin's light-brown cheeks turn red, and he buries his face in Von's side. I think he might have a kiddie crush on me.

Von laughs. "Yeah. His sister and my brother are in college now, but they've been together since they were our age." He shifts his focus to Candis. "Just one of those meant-to-be things, you know?"

Apollo looks like he's about to be sick.

"They'll be here for winter break soon, so I'm sure you'll meet them both," Von continues. "Anyway, how you been, Bliss? It feels like I haven't seen you in forever."

I laugh. "It's only been a week, Von." I can't lie though... waking up in the church basement does feel like forever ago. "I'm doing well." My eyes flick over to Candis, contempt toward her expanding like a balloon; she won't even look at me. "Thank you for asking."

Luca looks back and forth between Candis and me trying to get a read on the situation, which only serves to increase my irritation. I'm about to say something snippy and counterproductive when I see my aunt and cousin exit the blue stall.

"Well, it was good to see you guys," I say, swallowing my pride and deciding to make a quick getaway before things get more awkward. "I see my aunt and cousin, so we have to run." I try to act nonchalant, but from the look on Luca's face, she knows something's up.

She looks over at Apollo, who has his gaze fixed on a point somewhere off in the distance, and sighs. "Alright, well it was good running into you, Bliss," she says. "Tell your cousin hello from her kindred sister."

I smile. "I'll see you guys at school on Monday. Have fun!"

As Tobin and I walk off, Candis finally looks at me. I can feel the distance between us widening, and I find it maddening that the person I most want to run to is the source of the problem. Part of me wishes I could go back to my little shotgun house and all girls' academy from my old life.... Which makes me miss my mother.... Which makes me more flustered.

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