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"Honey, wake up, it's time for school."

I rolled over in my bed, refusing to wake up. But, what my dad just said sinked in, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Dad, stop messing with me." I grumbled.

He glared at me as he placed his fists on the sides of his stomach. "Bella, start getting ready. I have to go to work now and I don't want you to be late on your first day of school."

I faced my dad and looked at him through my half awake eyes. "Dad, what are you talking about?"

He sighed. "Honey, I don't have time for this. I've made breakfast so eat and get to school, okay?" He said and went out the door.

What is he on about?

Not understanding him, I quickly got up and followed him down to the living room. "Dad, what are you saying? I literally just graduated yesterday. Why are you asking me to get to school?"

"What?" He frowned. "Are you still dreaming? Oh, I know what you're doing. You're trying to pull a prank on me, aren't you? Well, I'm sorry but it's not working honey."

I shot him a 'are you serious?' look. "I'm pranking you? You're the one who's being ridiculous here!"

"Honey, what's wrong? It's your first day of senior year. You were excited yesterday."

Excuse me, what?!

Okay, I was beyond confused now. Why is he saying that it's my senior year? And the fact that he looks like he isn't joking, scares me.

"I'm going to go now, text me when you're at school." Dad said, taking my silence as his cue to leave.

I stared at his retreating figure. What is going on? That was such a weird conversation. Is Dad on drugs or something? Or is he pulling some elaborate prank on me with his Oscar worthy acting? But that's the thing though, Dad can't lie to save his life. How could he have pulled a prank like this? Did he somehow take acting classes without me knowing? That's actually scarily possible.

My head is spinning and I have to talk to somebody like right now. I hastily went back up and called the one girl I can rely on, my best friend. After a few rings, she finally picked up. "Hey, Kera, so I have a funny story. My Dad seems to think today is the first day of senior year. Do you think his—I don't know—high?"

"Well, you can be assured that his not high because today is the first day of senior year." She said as if she was humoring me.

I huffed in exasperation. "What are you talking about, Kera? We graduated just yesterday!"

She didn't speak for a few long seconds. "Bella, are you alright? Did something happen?"

Oh my God, she's talking as if I'm crazy! This is madness! Clearly, she's on my Dad's side. Dad knew that he couldn't pull this off on his own so he got Kera's help. Knowing that this would go nowhere, I ended the call abruptly and called the last person who could help me out. I really hope his not in on this stupid prank as well.

"Riley, I need you to tell me that I'm not crazy and that you're not helping my Dad and Kera."

"You're not crazy and I'm not helping your Dad and Kera. But just so I know what's going on, why do you need me to tell you that, babe?"

"Because Kera and Dad are saying that today is the first day of senior year when we graduated yesterday, Rils! They're pranking on me, I know that. But their acting is so good. It's as if they believe what they're saying."

"Babe, you know I'll always support you but you're being a little weird here. Are you nervous that its the last year of school or something?"


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