LXXX ; kiss with a fist

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            HARRY DIDN'T COME BACK FROM HIS ENDEAVOR. as the train came to a screeching stop, she wondered if she had been a bad influence and if that harry had done something reckless. only elara could pull off reckless. hermione seemed more worried than anyone in the compartment, but inside elara was freaking out. it wasn't like him to leave the train without coming back to the compartment. and if he had gone to spy on draco like she suspected, harry would've come bounding back by now unless something had happened to him.

            "you go on ahead," said elara as she, ron, hermione, luna, and neville disembarked off the train.

            "are you sure?" said hermione, looking like she'd like to stay behind too.

            "yeah, i'll go tell someone," said elara confidently.

            hermione gave a weird sort of wave, ron nodded, neville did a weird sort of movement with his neck, and luna just smiled dreamily. elara turned and began to push her way through the crowd for someone who looked like they were somewhat important.

            she collided with the back of a rather short woman. the woman turned around, but had barely any time to react as elara wrapped her in a hug.

            "nymphie! i didn't know you were stationed here!"

            to elara's joy, she laughed.

            "it happened all last minute."

            when they let go of each other, elara remembered why she was looking for an aurora in the first place.

            "oh, by the way, have you seen harry?"

            "no," said nymphie, "i was actually about to go look for him. i didn't see him come off the train."

            elara nodded.

            "i think he went to go spy on draco. something might have happened to him."

            "that's something harry would do," said nymphie, gesturing for elara to follow her.

            the pair jumped onto the train. they were relatively towards the back, and decided to make their way towards the front. somewhere near the middle of the train one of the compartments had the blinds closed.

            "he's definitely in here," said elara.

            the floor began to vibrate as the engine roared into life. the express was leaving and they still hadn't found harry yet. as soon as they stepped into the compartment, tonks flicked her wand and a silvery substance came flying at her. she waved her wand again, and harry's stiff body became limp.

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