Chapter 3

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Our eyes connected for what felt like 5 years, but, it was only 5 seconds before a dart flew into his neck. He collapsed onto his knees before letting out a deafening howl and grabbed a guard by his neck ripping his head off his body. 

I took that as my cue to leave.

I ran and ran out of the building and into the forest surrounding. The sound of footsteps rang in my ears as they neared my fragile form.   A familiar growl scared the socks off me. A new sense of determination struck me as I lunged forward with every step. I was not going to be killed today by a werewolf, not any day either. I would make it out alive. 

I reached a cave and ran inside like there was no tomorrow. The darkness caught up with me as the pain in my muscles had not yet come due to the adrenaline.  Faint footsteps echoed through the walls of the cave. They sounded like they were getting closer. The soles of my shoes were as thin as paper by now. 

Just then, I remembered. I always keep a pack of matches in my pocket. 

As I lit the match I looked around, as I turned to my left, I was met with a face staring intently at mine. 

I screamed as horror spiraled through my body. I had been caught. I was going to die. My feet had seemed to develop a mind of their own as I slowly back out of the cave heading towards the light. Many emotions struck my body at once. 

As I reached the light and mouth of the cave I slowly started walking, my pumps crunching the winters ground beneath me. The man looked more human-like in daylight but still intimidating.

He walked up to me quickly, his nose sniffing my scent. I froze in horror. This is it. The end of my path. 

"M-m-m" He tried to speak. I was stock-still as he attempted to put words together for me. He wasn't going to hurt me. If he was he would have done it by now. I decided the best thing to do was to go home. Leave him to be free. 


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