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When The Sun Goes Down is book one of the Midnight Mafia trilogy.

When The Sun Goes Down is a romance novel telling the story of Katherine Santoro and Alessio Genovese, the wannabe journalist and the leader of one of the largest Mafia's. Kate and Alessio, like the sun and the moon, are polar opposites and how they find common ground with one another.

Their tale will be dangerously wild, threateningly beautiful, and hauntingly unique.

I strive to keep my books away from cliches and avoid the "what you would expect" scenarios. I love to surprise my readers and pull raw and intense emotions from them.

In this book there is Italian, several of my characters speak italian, I do not. So I had to rely heavily on the Internet for these italian phrases, if one is wrong please don't hesitate to correct my errors. I know most of you probably don't speak Italian either so I will put the translation in parenthesis below the phrase. If I don't translate the phrase immediately after don't fret, that just means one of the actual characters will tell you what it means.

Here is your warning, this novel will sometimes be gruesome, will sometimes be erotic, often profane and always awesome. If those are things that make you uncomfortable it probably is not for you.

I like productive criticism so feel free to tell me what you do and don't like in a productive way. Meaning, don't say "YOUR STORY SUCKS" but rather "I think it would make more sense if blah blah blah" If you don't like something or don't understand it I'm not going to get butthurt, but tell me why you don't like it or what's wrong with it so I can hopefully fix it or explain it.

I update every single Monday. If I update late, or my updates are not at least 1500 words I will update again during the same week regardless of the amounts of votes or comments I recieve.

Anytime you like a novel, be it this one or any on wattpad, you should let the author know. Votes and comments may not seem like a big deal to readers, but they are huge encouragement for writers who generally put a lot of themselves into their novels. So if you like my novel please do vote and comment.

Above all else, enjoy!


REREADERS I am SO flattered to actually have rereaders, seriously. I didn't think that would ever happen, it's like the coolest thing ever, but please, please, PLEASE don't leave comments with any kind of spoilers in them! Even just "it's not what you think" can change the way a new reader will be perceiving the story. You got to enjoy the book with all of its twists and turns without it being ruined for you, please allow the same courtesy to new readers.

If anyone happens to see a comment that gives anything in the story away please send me a private message letting me know there is a spoiler and in which chapter so I can delete the comment. I try to keep up with the comments as best I can, but having four different stories on here it's easy to miss comments, especially on completed stories as I don't keep up with them quite as well as I do my in progress ones. So rereaders PLEASE don't leave comments with spoilers and all readers if you see one PLEASE let me know via private message or a tag so I can delete it!


You can now find me on twitter at RaFranc0
Be sure to follow me! I love interacting with you guys!! (:



WTSGD can be rated and reviewed on goodreads!


August 15, 2015:

WTSGD finally has a trailer!

The above trailer was made by me but took the text screens made by The-Dark-Queen
A lot of people have asked so I figured I might as well mention the song is called "My Demons" by Starset and the clips are from a television show called "Arrow" though there are a few clips from other movies as well, but the main component of the trailer is made of Arrow clips.

If you need a trailer definitely hit up The-Dark-Queen though! She had made me a trailer before I tried my hand at it myself and it was awesome. Particularly because I had no cast or clips so she made the entire thing from scratch and was the nicest person ever and helpful when I decided to make my own. If you don't frequent the forums very often you can also go to her profile, in her works she has a book titled "Trailors" and she takes requests there as well.


When The Sun Goes Down - A Midnight Mafia NovelWhere stories live. Discover now