An Unexplainable Connection

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Derek's p.o.v.

I wake up the next morning at five. I knew I had to wake up the three grumbling teenagers and try to explain everything before they went to school.

I go into each room and tell them to get there asses up. Half an hour later they are all standing in front of me dressed and ready to go.

"Last night I ran into one of the Winchesters." I deadpanned.

"Ookay, and what is that supposed to mean?" Erica asks her voice filled with attitude and annoyance.

"That means that three of the best hunters in the world just walked into Beacon Hills." I say my voice intense and loud.

"They are the most feared hunters in the U.S. when supernatural creatures hear that they might even have a possibility of coming to their town, they run." I explain to them.

"We can't mess with these people do you understand me? They are ruthless and they run in and kill every supernatural thing within a ten mile radius and then they leave." I go into more detail.

"So what do we do about them?" Isaac asks with concern in his eyes.

"We can't do anything, we keep on track looking for the Kanima and do our best to stay out of their way. My best guess is they're working with the Argents. I don't want any of you going anywhere alone. Got it? You have to stay together and have each others backs. Pay attention to your surroundings and if they find you then run. Don't even let the thought of fighting them cross your minds got that?!" I say yelling at this point.

I get three yeses in return.

"But if they're so ruthless then why didn't the kill you? I mean you said you ran into one of them." Asks Isaac.

"Because I ran into the youngest one, McKenna. She is more calculating and thoughtful. I didn't give away anything that said I am a werewolf and if you run into them candidly I suggest you do the same. Especially if you run into Dean. He's the oldest of the siblings but he's shorter than the middle one Sam. If you run into Sam and Dean then get away as fast as possible. McKenna will be more understanding of you but still make sure to keep your guard up." I tell them everything I know about the three siblings, they deserve to know what to expect.

"And what about Scott?" Boyd asks concern lacing his words.

"I'll take care of Scott, now get to school and stay together." I tell them and sigh. This is going to be long couple of weeks.


It's now around eleven and I think I need some fresh air. I had been working out since the three teenagers went to school and it's time for a cool down jog.

I'm jogging at a slow pace wanting just a cool off not another workout when a flash of black and purple catches my eye.

I smell the air and recognize the scent as a certain female Winchester. I look to my right and see her sprinting down the next trail over. She's wearing black leggings that go down to just past her knees, a lavender colored tank top, and a black hat.

I do the only thing I can think to do. Sprint after her.

McKenna's p.o.v. ~45 MINUTES EARLIER~

Chris was happy about the news and he gave me a hug and a smile. Victoria did the same and I went to go wait in the car.

Sam and Dean come out ten minutes later. Dean looks like he just got hit by a train and Sam looks like he just watched it happen.

The fifteen minute car ride back to the motel was short and awkward. Nothing was heard but the radio quietly releasing AC/DC's Thunder.

A Winchester and a HaleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon