Unwelcome Visitors

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TW: Panic Attacks, Illegal Distribution, Implied Sexual Harassment, Exploitation. Read at your own risk. 

These first few nights in the mansion were a bit rough for everyone, if I'm being honest.

Mrs. Beakley had been overwhelmed with all the new faces in the house. Not to mention, the children were... well, children. I made sure the boys cleaned up after themselves, and I tried to avoid making a mess altogether.

Uncle Donald had a bit of an issue with not being the voice of authority, and he and Mrs. Beakley got into an argument. The conclusion was that he would stay on the houseboat in order not to "be a burden," so he and 22 hooked up the boat to the mansion through a generator. From then on, he lived on the houseboat, business as usual.

Uncle Scrooge seemed to be okay as long as no one bothered him or invaded his space. "Ahm happy tah have yew here as long as it in nooo waaay inconveniences me," and all of that jazz. Which was understandable. He's lived by himself for 10 years or so, with only the company of 22 and Webbigail, who I'm sure actually never interacted much with Scrooge.

Webby seemed very happy to have us there, but I noticed she felt a bit...excluded from the boys sometimes. Which made sense, I suppose. You live with no children for your life, and are homeschooled, you can have trouble connecting with other kids. Especially the boys, being triplets and all. I'll definitely see if I can talk to the boys about that. Or maybe I can try to set her up with some other kids.

The boys seem pretty okay. They still share a room with each other. Huey has made a tent-like structure on his bunk, as he normally does. He still goes to Junior Woodchuck meets, and is adamant on getting his badges, so good for him.

Dewey is still his Dewey self... although I think something has been up with him recently. He's been a little... quieter than usual. It's probably nothing, I just have the feeling he's not saying all he wants to say. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

I think Louie has adjusted a bit too well, at least on the outside. He's lovably lazy and might take a bit too much advantage of Scrooge's money. At the end of the day though, he always ends up on the houseboat.

Sometimes he'll sleep with Donald, sometimes with me. Sometimes we'll both sleep with Donald. Louie's always been an insomniac, hence why he's always tired. He tends to sleep better when he isn't in bed alone. Over time, it became quite comforting, it's something I've just gotten used to at this point.

And I... am still adjusting. I can't sleep in the mansion, not in that room. It's overwhelming. I think Uncle Donald has noticed it, but he doesn't say much about it. Just a hug and a kiss on the forehead every morning, and a small reminder.

"It's okay to go to therapy, you know. There's nothing wrong with you if you need it."

I appreciated it. The effort. I've never been able to afford it before... I'm not too worried about it. It'll be fine. I'll be fine.


Today Huey decided to tag along to work with me. Something about a barista badge I think...? Which meant getting up early. Although, Huey was always up by 7am at most, so it didn't make too much of a difference for either of us.

I had planned on taking the bus, after all it was just 7am now, and it was still kind of dark. Wouldn't want to wake Launchpad up too early, and I wasn't entirely faithful in his driving skills. Especially not in the dark.

But as we left the house, we ran into one Scrooge McDuck, getting into his limo. Huh. It was still pretty early. Oh! That's right, Scrooge is always up at 6am.

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