The Owl

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When Sun is set, and Night is come,

And Stars flame forth, and Day is done;

When Human heads on Pillows lay

And frisky Squirrels doth cease their Play -

This is the Owl's domain.

While Dew-drops lay upon the Earth;

When Day to Night has given Birth;

When Crickets sing and Spiders weave

And Sun's last rays doth take their Leave -

This is the Owl's domain.

The Shadows fall the Mist rolls forth

The flaming Stars point to the North

While peaceful Sleep doth Silence bring

The Owl soars on silent Wing -

For this is his Domain.

The Stars grow pale, the Mist doth hide;

The Dew is strewn on every Side;

The glowing Sun his Journey starts;

The Squirrels awake with playful Hearts -

Thus ends the Owl's Domain.

Editor's note: this was written when I was 12.  Sadly, I haven't improved much since then.

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