Is There a There and Back Again?

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They say the road goes ever on,

Down to the havens grey;

But I must know where I will go

Before I run away.

So tell me if you know, my friend:

Is there a there and back again?

The bards sing songs of heroes old

Who went across the sea;

But whether they returned from thence

None of the stories say.

Tell me, bard, now, if you can:

Is there a there and back again?

Of misty mountains writers tell,

Where travelers dared great works;

But no one knows now how they fared

Or what back home they took.

Scribe, when will you tell me--when?

Is there a there and back again?

And now a leap of faith I'll take

Into this strange new world,

Where fate and fortune can't be told

And off my feet I'm whirled.

If I don't come back, you'll know then

If there's a there and back again.

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