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I've walked in universes cold,

Where madmen nature's laws unfold.

Now through time's mists I make my fare

Where shadow lands are all that's there.

Reality fades, it's going dark

And all that I can do is mark

My roots--the memories that hold

And save me from this deathly cold.

If I told you my tale in whole,

You'd scoff and take me for a fool.

Yet wait, Horatio: there's much more

Than philosophy can account for.

In heaven and earth are things unseen,

On which all we can do is dream.

Yet what I've seen, it hold me fast.

My roots are deep sunk in my past.

All that is gold does not glitter,

Not all those who wander are lost.

The old that is strong does not wither,

Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

The road goes ever on and on,

But who has come back home again?

From the ashes, a fire shall spring,

Yet cold and dark are all it brings.

In rabbit hole and looking glass

I see what may yet come to pass.

Fallen kingdoms I could raise--

But recollection slips my gaze.

Now everything's not as it seems,

I'm drifting in a waking dream.

My thoughts are gone, and now I'm lost;

My roots are deep, but I feel the frost.

Where the Wild Thoughts RanWhere stories live. Discover now