𝗉𝗍 2~ 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖺𝗅 𝗍𝗋𝗂𝗉

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♪crave you- flight facilities

y/n~ your name

c/n~ crush's name

b/f/n~ best friend's name

r/b~ random boy's name


It's the last day of the trip and honestly, it wasn't that bad!

I luckily got put in a tent with one of my friends and these 2 girls, who didn't talk much at first but are super sweet and have now become my friends. 

The activities weren't even as horrific as the people in the year above made it out to be. On the first day we did orienteering, which was actually fun (also my team won so even better) We did swimming and fishing on the second day, which sounded great but the water was FREEZING. On the third and fourth day we hiked and did nature photography, yesterday we learnt how to carve wood and I made a pretty decent owl and today we're free to do what we like.

Me and B/F/N had found a shallow ditch quite near our camp and were using this time to gossip. I still hadn't entirely forgiven her for literally shouting about C/N in Starbucks a few days ago but oh well.

I curled up into myself as B/F/N continued to talk about the time she tried to steal her cousin's boyfriend. My mind kept on drifting back to the journey here, when me and C/N sat next to each other on the coach. I could feel my cheeks turn red as I remembered the feeling of his arm against my chest-


I sat up in shock, looking at B/F/N with wide eyes.


"You weren't listening were you?" She said raising an eyebrow at me.

"Of course not!" I blurted out. "You... wooed him with your amazing good looks?"

B/F/N stared at me before bursting out laughing. She wiped the corners of her eyes as she leaned on my shoulder.

"No but nice try silly!" She giggled.

I vaguely smiled and stared off into the distance.

"Are you still thinking about him?" B/F/N asked.

"What else would I be thinking about." I muttered.

B/F/N shook her head and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Y/N it's ok! I just think you should tell him. After all, you've liked him for years."

I was happy that B/F/N was being so supportive and I wanted to tell C/N how I feel so badly but I'm just too scared.

B/F/N opened her mouth to say something else when R/B approached the ditch.

"Hey guys! We're toasting marshmallows if you want some."

At the sound of marshmallows B/F/N jumped up and pulled me up with her.

"Come on I'm starving!" She exclaimed as she started to run back to the camp. 

She paused and turned back around to look at me.

"Don't let thoughts of C/N ruin your last day, ok?"


I lay down looking up at the red roof of our tent. It'd been hours and everyone was already asleep. I on the other hand was not. I was usually out like a light as soon as I got into bed but a certain someone was plaguing my thoughts so much it was making it impossible.

I sighed and clambered out of my sleeping bag, trying to be as quiet as possible. I slipped on my shoes and slowly unzipped the tent before climbing out and walking into the forest.

The moonlight was bright enough so I could still see. It was such a beautiful evening out. It was calm and peaceful for once and you could really see the stars. I trudged through the undergrowth towards me and B/F/N's ditch. It was shrouded in darkness so just to be safe, I sat on the edge.

My mind went back to a few hours ago. 

"Don't let thoughts of C/N ruin your last day, ok?"

"I'm trying B/F/N, I'm really trying."

Just then I felt something scurry on my foot. I yelped and shuffled backwards not realising that I was way over the edge. Before I could even move I fell in, landing on my back.

I groaned and tried to get up but I felt a load of pain in my ankle. I put my hand on the side of the ditch for support as I tried getting up to no avail.

"Dammit!" I muttered. I gripped the wall of the ditch harder but- wait.

Is that a person?

I tried to get off the person who wasn't moving very much at all. 

"Are they dead?" I whispered as pure fear crept into my voice.

"No I'm very much alive Y/N."

"*Incoherent Animal screech*"

I tried to move again but this time the person beneath me pulled me closer into them. 

"If you try to move you'll hurt yourself- and I wouldn't want that." The person murmured into my hair.

This feeling felt so familiar to me. Butterflies started flying in my stomach.

"C/N?" I whispered.


Of all the people it was C/N that had to be in this ditch. This definitely wasn't helping, considering the fact I couldn't get him out of my head.

I lay against him as I heard the faint sound of an owl in the distance. I felt like I was being to forward but I couldn't really move.

C/N cleared his throat slightly making me jump.

"Y/N I have to tell you something that I've been meaning to tell you for a while."

I felt myself gasp. God why was I nervous? I braced myself for the worst.

"I heard what you said at Starbucks and-"


"And umm I wanted to say that I've liked you for a uh while now Y/N and I've been to scared to admit it but-"

I threw my arms around his neck and felt tears start to roll down my cheeks. I wasn't sad or anything I was just ecstatically happy. He actually liked me back! Maybe B/F/N's extremely loud voice wasn't as bad as I thought it was.

"Y/N?" C/N whispered.

"C/N I- I like you too. A lot actually. I've liked you since we were in primary and I've wanted to tell for so long..." I trailed off. If I spoke anymore I'd say a lot my things on my mind right not that I'd rather not.

"I would kiss you right now but I can't see you."

My cheeks turned tomato red. How did he say that so confidently?

"I- I wha?"

C/N softly laughed and I could imagine him looking up at the moon whilst he did so.

"Don't worry I won't."

I sighed in relief. In this state I definitely wasn't ready for that right now.

"But I will when the sun comes up."


~Peachy x

(1168 words)

(Edited 28/06/20)

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