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#1 of the kinda collab with liablueheart and ALovelyGalaxiesA

♪somebody to you- the vamps (chosen by the latter)

y/n~ your name

c/n~ crush's name

c/l/n~ crush's last name

c/e/c~ crush's eye colour

b/f/n~ best friend's name

p/g~ popular girl's name


Multiple posters and banners adorned the hallways, advertising one of the most anticipated events of the year- prom.

I, however, wasn't feeling as happy as the rest of the school. There was only one person I wanted to go to prom with and that person was my long-term crush, C/N C/L/N. 

I frustratedly ripped one of the posters off of my locker, a quick glance at it telling me it was advertising P/G for prom queen. 

'She'll win anyway what's the point in advertising it?' I thought just as my best friend B/F/N came bounding down the hallway and skidding to a stop next to me.

"Y/N I... you have to... see this..." She panted.

"What is it?" I nervously asked, closing up my locker and starting to walk towards the break room, B/F/N trying to keep up with my strides.

"No... other way... come on!" I felt her grab onto my arm and pull me along with her in the direction of the school field, as fast as she could possibly go in the state she was in.

"B/F/N where are we goin-"

She cut me off with a quick glare and hastily unlatched the door which lead to the field. Seeming to have regained her strength, she pulled me along quicker with her in a steady jog until I could the field itself- and the growing crowd around it.

"What's this all about?" I wondered out loud at the commotion. People had their phones out and were eagerly talking amongst themselves, the unlucky people at the back straining to get a better view.

With a few shoves and shouts of annoyance from other people we both made it to the front, there being C/N and-

"P/G?" I whispered in awe. P/G and her friends were all holding all sorts of posters, banners and decorations, all in cute shades of pink and red, roses and teddy bears spelling out the words:


(Imagine it in roses and teddy bears kk?)

I was at a loss for words. My mouth was agape as I tried to process the fact that P/G had gotten to C/N before me. But of course she did! She was pretty and popular and he was handsome and well liked. And me? Well I was just...there.

B/F/N put an arm around me sympathetically, she being the other person who knew about my massive crush on C/N. 

"Sooo C/N..." P/G's voice rang out loud and clear across the field, more and more people pushing and shoving to get a better view. This would definitely be on YouTube tomorrow. 

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