𝗉𝗍 2~ 𝗓𝗈𝗆𝖻𝗂𝖾 𝖺𝗉𝗈𝖼𝖺𝗅𝗒𝗉𝗌𝖾

9.7K 219 278

♪dangerous fellows soundtrack

y/n~ your name

c/n~ crush's name

c/e/c~ crush's eye colour


I stumbled and fell face first. I'd been running (more like hobbling) around for ages trying to find a good place to hide. I'd been in close encounters with zombies a couple times but I managed to fight them off with that boy's bat. 

I wonder how he is. 

Is he dead?

"Y/N he's not dead get a grip!"

I shakily pushed myself up and gripped onto the side of a staircase. I knew I couldn't possibly climb up them without falling off so I had to think of another strategy. 

I took a quick look around the area. There must have been a lot of people here because the floor was stained red with blood.

The zombies must have had a field day.

I shuddered at the thought as the faint sound of a zombie cry was heard in the distance. 

My eyes landed on a door which looked pretty sturdy so I hobbled over as quickly as possible and slammed the it shut. 

I locked the door and collapsed against it in exhaustion. My thoughts started to drift back to that boy. He was quite handsome when I thought about it. 

I blushed and closed my eyes. Within minutes I fell asleep, my dreams full of that boy and zombies.


I woke up gasping for air. I'd had the most awful nightmare of that boy turning into a zombie right before my eyes and devouring me. Every last piece of me. 

I checked my battered Apple watch for the time. It'd been 4 hours.

4 hours! He should be here by now...right?

I heard a sharp rap on the door. Thank god he was here.

"Hey it's me, Y/N. I'm right he-"

As soon as I opened the door I got snatched by the front of my shirt and thrown to the floor. The pain in my ankle only worsened and I could feel blood trickling from my head. 

I felt my vision blur... then nothing.


I woke up to birds chirping in the distance. A cool breeze was blowing across my face and I couldn't hear any zombies.

I blearily rubbed my eyes and focused on the scene in front of me. I could see a boy pulling down the walls of a flimsy looking wooden shed and throwing the pieces in a heap. Once he had finished, he got the two smallest pieces and started rubbing them together. 

"Are you making a fire?" I croaked. My throat was insanely dry.

I saw him flinch as he looked up at me. His face was screwed up in concentration as he rubbed the sticks harder.

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