𝗌𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗈𝗅 𝗍𝗈𝗎𝗋 & 10𝗄 シ︎

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um we reached 10k READS. tysm!! 🥳❤

request for erdouoftheiris
♪baby hotline-jack stauber's micropop

y/n~ your name

c/n~crush's name

c/l/n~ crush's last name

c/b/f/n~ crush's best friend's name

s/n~ school's name


~c/n's pov~

"Have a good first day sweetie!"

I rolled my eyes slightly but gave my mum a quick wave nonetheless as I got out of the car. I was joining a new school today, namely S/N, as I'd just moved here. Sure, I was going to miss my old friends but I was confident in the fact I'd make new ones easily. 

It was pretty quiet outside of the building, only a few students rushing inside as they were probably late. I just continued with my leisurely pace. After all, I wouldn't get told off anyway.

"Oh hello! Are you C/N C/L/N?" someone asked from behind the reception desk. 

"Yes I am." I replied. The receptionist gave me a smile and brought out a planner amongst other things, placing them into my hands before dialling a number on her desk phone.

"Just wait one moment, I'm just calling for your guide."

I nodded and leaned against the wall, flicking through the blank pages of my new planner. I looked up to find the receptionist just putting the phone down. "2 minutes, ok?" She assured me, before going back to her work.

I wasn't really that bothered by how long it would take, though I was curious to find out who my guide would be. Whether it was a boy or girl, I was pretty determined to make a good impression. 

"Hey Miss! Oh hi!" a girl's voice called out from the other end of the foyer. 

I couldn't help but to stare at her in silence for a few seconds before opening my mouth and giving her a grin. I had to admit, she looked far better than any of the girls at my old school.

"So... let's go then!" she said, beckoning for me to follow her already retreating figure.

I ran slightly to catch up, casually falling into step with her as I did so. She was smiling up at me as she waved her hand around slightly, indicating to me that this was the maths corridor. 

"Anyway, I'm Y/N. What's your name?" 

"C/N." I responded. "Y/N's a pretty name."

Y/N blushed which in turn made my stomach flip just a bit. "Why thank you." She muttered with a laugh. 

For the next few corridors we exchanged in light conversation, stopping here and there to look into classrooms. Y/N was extremely nice, answering every little question with a smile. I found myself not wanting the tour to end anytime soon.

"Do you have any hobbies?" I asked out of the blue. I didn't know why I had asked but Y/N's eyes lit up when I did.

"I like to bake. Since I was little I would always make lots of cakes and such... it helps with stress you know? Actually, only yesterday I made a cake for my friends birthday!"

I couldn't help but to smile as well, ironically passing a classroom full of people cooking. Y/N looked in as well for a second, before ushering me to the next place.

"Wanna teach me? How to bake I mean." 

I would say I was a confident person, and I very much wanted to spend time with Y/N. She didn't say anything though until we went outside, onto the field. 

"I mean... sure I can. Is there a reason?" She said quietly.

"I want to... learn. What do you say, today after school? How about chocolate cake?"

Y/N started to laugh but nodded. "Ok! Now come on."

"It's a date then."

Y/N slowed down slightly and turned her head around to meet my eyes. I grinned at her sudden bashfulness and only shrugged, not saying much as we crossed the rest of the field.

The bell suddenly rung, Y/N turning to face me again. "What class do you have next?" She asked, still flushed from moments before. 

"I have... history next." I replied, handing her my planner with my schedule folded inside.

"Oh same! Just follow me then. It doesn't matter if we're a bit late, our teacher's never on time."

We reentered the school, pushing past the growing crowds of people, some even greeting Y/N. I was surprised at how many actually greeted her, they all looked to be from lots of different years.

"We're here." she stated, indicating the door in front of us. Pushing it open, we were greeted to loud talking, almost half of it now too Y/N. 

"Y/N! Come on, we have so much to tell you!" a large group of around 20 people from the back called. 

Y/N waved back at them before turning to me with a flushed look on her face. My mouth was slightly open in shock at how many people, even the ones who didn't directly talk to her, were waving and staring in her direction.

"You didn't tell me you were this popular." I muttered as I followed her to the back of the room. 

"I wouldn't say that but... I don't like saying it outright. It changes the way people act towards you." She replied.

"Well." I said, edging closer towards her just before she sat down in her seat. "It wouldn't have mattered, I've taken a liking to you." 

All her friends eyes were on me, they looked pretty shocked. Y/N had turned so red I couldn't help but to feel triumphant. I was being honest though and I hoped she knew that.

"Hey! Mate what's your name?" a boy shouted from behind me. "Are you new?"

"Yeah." I nodded, collapsing into the seat next to him. They were all asking me questions, namely about my tour with Y/N, but I wasn't really listening. I met eyes with Y/N, mouthing 'tonight remember' before the teacher entered the room. 

I stayed where I was, next to the boy called C/B/F/N. Whilst the teacher was talking, I had zoned out and continued to take quick glances at Y/N. She was chewing on the end of her pencil, looking ahead at the board. It was actually very cute.

"Mr C/L/N I presume?" a voice said in front of me, dropping a blank exercise book on my desk.

"Yes, sir." I replied, thanking him in turn.

"How has your day been so far. Settling in well?"

I glanced at Y/N again and looked back at the teacher, a small smile playing on my lips.

"Great, sir. I really like this school, thank you."


hey gals there used to be a (not even face) reveal here but i deleted it cause i looked so ugly arse i cannot it made me cry looking back at my fucking indie phase BRODBQXNMA but you aren't missing out so don't worry lol

ty again for 10k tho 💕💕

peachy x 

(1216 words)

(edited 17/08/20)

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