Prologue: Part One

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The Other Side of Life: Prologue (Part One)~

The night had been going well.

The junior and senior students of West Mont High had all been getting along great, no fights had broken out and the three-story house of James Peterson hadn't been trashed too badly. Music was playing loudly yet the neighbours hadn't complained and the cops had not been called— this time. Everybody was dancing and drinking, some in the house, others in the back yard.

It had all been going well.

In the yard, sitting on a garden chair with a plastic cup in their hand, sat a girl with brown hair and pretty hazel eyes. She smiled at her friends as they joked around and playfully took the mick out of each other, too drunk to take anything seriously. She chimed in a few times here and there, but was more than content to sit in the chair mutely, listening to the chorus of her friends laughter as the cool breeze of the night blew softly around her.

She felt at peace there in that moment. For a while, she'd struggled with that— finding peace— and at a few points in her life she really did believe that she would never be as happy as she once hoped for. But sitting there, watching the world go by, she knew she had everything she wanted: Friends she could rely on; that didn't abandon her when something better came along, or who only ever wanted favours from her; who genuinely cared and enjoyed being around her, including her in everything they did, helping her out when she needed it without wanting anything in return. She had a boyfriend who loved her; who didn't act differently because he thought it was lame to show he cared, or who put his friends before her; a boy who would move heaven and earth for her if only she'd ask and who put her above everyone and everything else.

In the eyes of Willow Saint, she had everything she had been dreaming of. A life full of love and laughter and everything right in the world. A life of happiness and adventures. A life worth living.

Until it wasn't.

Until the moment her drunk friends stumbled into the car with a dazed smile on their unknowing faces. Until the oncoming lorry spun out of control and crashed head on into the white Fiat of Willow's best friend. Until her heart stopped and started over and over again in the back of the ambulance that was first on scene. Until the wailing cries of four sets of parents echoed through the corridors of West Mont Medical Centre.

A life worth living... until it wasn't.

 until it wasn't

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