Chapter Twelve

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The Other Side of Life: Chapter Twelve~
(Another filler chapter, sorry)
Make sure you read 10 & 11 too

For the past few days, Willow hadn't enjoyed waking up. She would force herself to sleep all day and all night, wanting to immerse herself in the dreams of Luca. Where she was her happiest.

For the first couple of weeks, she wasn't able to sleep. She was awake all day and the majority of the night, not being able to close her eyes for too long because in the darkness of her mind, all she could see was images of Luca, Tammy and Connor. She was also scared of the nightmares she knew she would face.

However, now when she slept, she had good dreams— happy dreams— where she was back in West Mont with her boyfriend and two close friends, life was good and everything was normal again. She relived some of her happiest memories when she was asleep; and not necessarily memories with a big event, or anything worth remembering, but little moments, small occasions where she felt true happiness.

Yeah, Willow never wanted to wake up.

But something did disturb her sleep as she rolled over in bed with a groggy groan and squinted eyes. Her curtains were drawn but there was no light streaming through the cracks so she figured it must've been some time during the night— whether it was early in the night or late, she wasn't sure.

Shaking her head as she gently smacked her lips together, she settled back down into the softness of her pillows and closed her eyes. Despite having slept for a considerable amount of time already, Willow didn't find it hard to get back to sleep, seeing as she was always tired after waking up.

Adjusting herself so she was more comfortable, she exhaled a soft breath, her heart aching at the dream of Luca she'd just had, but at the same time, she was glad to be going back to sleep to relive some more memories.

However, before she could really lose herself in the past, she heard a noise. Ignoring it, assuming it was the house settling or the cat running around, she tried again.

And then the noise appeared once more.

Focusing now on the sound, Willow realised it was coming from outside her window. She slightly lifted herself on to her right forearm, her hair in her face and her eyes fighting to stay open, trying to focus on the noise.

Tapping. Someone was tapping on her window.

Her eyes closed as she huffed, knowing exactly who it was. "Willow," she heard his whisper through the closed window between them. "Are you awake?"

Searching for her phone, Willow found it underneath her pillow. Her eyes stung and watered as the brightness entered them, catching the girl off guard. She read the time with slight difficulty; 01:42.

"Are you kidding me, Roosevelt?" She exasperated in a whisper. Her uncle probably wouldn't be able to hear her from all the way upstairs, especially if he was sleeping, but she was still a bit groggy and a little wary. If he did wake up, she was dead.

So was Elliott.

Throwing the thin sheet off her body, she lazily stumbled to the window and separated the curtains, Elliott's face right in her line of vision. Startled, she took a small step back. "So you are alive then," he stated, raising an unamused eyebrow. Willow pursed her lips, confused, and nodded. "Okay, good. See ya later."

Seeing him turn around to leave made Willow's heart jump as she leaned into the window and stuck her head out. "Elliott, wait!" She yelled in a whisper.

The brown-haired boy turned around, his arms crossed. "What do you want, Saint?"

"Seriously?" She asked confused. She was a little put off by his behaviour, wondering why he was being so... strange. "You came here."

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