Chapter Two

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The Other Side of Life: Chapter Two~

When Willow finally worked up the courage to leave her room the morning after arriving at her uncle's home, it was getting on for noon. She hadn't gotten any sleep all night, just sat staring up at the sky until the moon set and the sun rose. Her eyes were slightly drooping and her skin appeared a shade lighter than it usually was, but she didn't bother to dwell long on her appearance when she saw her reflection in the mirror as she passed it that morning.

Instead, she threw her hair up into a ponytail and quickly splashed some cold water on her face before leaving the bathroom and entering the living room that connected to the open kitchen space. There, she found her uncle making himself lunch at the breakfast bar.

"Oh, you're up," he smiled as he caught sight of her, hiding the frown of concern that first marred his face when he noticed her exhausted form. "Want something to eat kid? I went shopping," he beamed. Willow wanted to smile at the fact he seemed so proud of himself for completing such a mundane task, but couldn't muster up the strength to do so. Therefore, a shake of the head is all she offered. "Right. Well if you're not busy, how about that tour?"

Last nights conversation came back to her at his words and suddenly, she felt a bit better. Not by much, but she was glad she'd have something to busy herself with.

She'd always liked exploring new places. She enjoyed meeting new people, despite not being much of a people person. She liked new opportunities and new adventures. She liked the outdoors on a sunny day. It made her happy. At least it did before the accident.

Instead of dwelling too much on her own thoughts, letting them ruin her day, she shook them from her head and offered a weak smile to her uncle, who watched the expressions on her face change with every emotion she felt.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said, instead of asking her how she was feeling. He could take a guess.

Willow showered and changed out of the clothes she'd slept in before leaving. Her outfit was nothing too fancy, it never was; just a simple pair of black shorts and a cropped black t-shirt. Her hair was messy, air-dried into her natural wavy curls that reached just above her shoulders, the parting swept mostly to the right. A pair of sunglasses that she found in her suitcase were perched atop her small nose.


Willow nodded, a non-verbal response to her uncle that let him know they could be on their way. "Okay then," he smiled lopsidedly, seeming uneasy with the way she rarely spoke, but he knew why. His eyes briefly darted down to the jagged scar on the side of her throat, quickly diverting them away when he realised he was staring a little too long.

Willow wasn't looking, too busy staring at the wall. But she'd seen him. She'd seen the frown that came across his face as he stared at the new flaw on her skin. She didn't want him to know she'd caught him staring. Not only did she not want to make him feel awkward, but she also didn't want to see the pity that lingered in his gaze. She wasn't ready to be pitied yet— or ever.

"Are you going to need a coat or a jacket?" He asked just before opening the front door. Willow's eyebrow raised as she shook her head at her uncle. It was almost thirty degrees outside, of course she wouldn't be needing a jacket. She could already feel herself beginning to sweat in the crop-top she had on. Seeing her look, Max nodded. "Right, of course, silly question. Lets go."

Exiting the house, the heat was much worse outside than it was inside Max's air-conditioned home. Willow immediately grimaced as the sun beat down on her skin, feeling the frustration creep up on her. She'd always loved the heat, but was never too fond of it directly beating down on her so hotly. She may have loved in California, but that didn't mean she wasn't affected by the hot rays of light that burned her shoulders.

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