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colby's pov

Ava's hanging out with Bryce. Great. That's all that ran through my mind. Her and Bryce are going to start dating and then I won't have a chance with her.

"What if they do something to her?" I asked Jake.

"Just because she's with boys doesn't mean they'll do something to her. I mean she hangs out with all of us." He answered. I took my phone off the table and tapped on the iMessage app. I  was about to text Ava but Jake pulled the phone out of my hands. "No bro. She's fine. She's on Blake Gray's live right now and they're chilling." I took my phone back and went onto the live. She did look okay, but she was surrounded with boys. "Stop getting so upset!"

"I'm not upset!" I rejected. Jake rolled his eyes.

"I know you like her. You can't just be jealous if she's hanging out with Bryce and other guys. I mean she hasn't seen that guy in like years. Trust me, she might like you." Jake said.

"She likes me?!" I shouted. "This could be my chance!"

"Colby, calm down!" Jake laughed. "I said MIGHT."

"So, when should I ask her out?!" I beamed.

"Colby!" Jake laughed.

ava's pov

"Where's Kio and Quinton?" Bryce asked. He grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs. "Kio! Quinton!"

"Shut up! I'm 1v1-ing Kio!" Someone yelled.

"Yeah!" Another one yelled.

"Assholes! Ava's here!" Bryce shouted. A door opened to reveal Quinton.

"Hey!" He exclaimed. "I'm Quinton."

"Ava." I answered.

"Hi." Someone said. I turned my head to see Kio.

"Hey! Kio, right?" I asked even though I already knew his name.

"Yup. Ava, right?" He asked. I chuckled.

"Yeah." I responded.

"Do you want to or-" Quinton asked while he pointed into his room.

"You can go back." I said.

"Okay. I'll come back out later!" He yelled as him and Kio ran into their rooms.

bryce's pov

"Hey Bryce," Ava started. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah, of course." I replied. I lead her to my room and closed the door. She sat down on my bed. "So what's up?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

"I really like Colby," Ava started. My heart dropped. I kinda like Ava and I want to tell her, but I don't know when. "And he said he likes me too, but he doesn't know that I know." Great. Colby likes Ava, Ava likes Colby. Ugh. "What should I do?"

"Uh well not trying to bring you down but think about the negatives first. You live in Maryland, you might ruin the relationship if you guys break up, and the fans." I said. I saw her frown slightly.

"Oh yeah." She sighed.

"By the way, when are you moving to LA?" I asked. "Because I know it's going to happen sometime."

pumpkin // c. brockWhere stories live. Discover now