Chapter 9 - You're whipped.

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Aizawa was not expecting Evelyn to call him in a panic at 11 at night, asking for a place to stay

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Aizawa was not expecting Evelyn to call him in a panic at 11 at night, asking for a place to stay. So he was obviously worried when he opened the door to see her soaked from head to toe, her costume now muted, gray colors. 

"Evelyn?" The woman looked up, her eyes skittish and worried.


She took a step towards him, but she stumbled. He reached out to catch her, falling into his chest. She hissed as his hands pressed into her back. Aizawa pulled away, his hands flying to her shoulders. "What happened?"

"I-" Her lips pursed. She wasn't strong enough to beat them. Times like this really made her question why she was a hero. "My apartment got ambushed. I was attacked; there were too many to fight off, so I escaped." Shame flushed through her system as she spoke. She ran away.

Aizawa's lips pursed. Attacked? Thoughts flooded his brain. She was being targeted, which wasn't something he had been expecting. "My bathroom's down the hall. Freshen up before you tell me what happened."

Evelyn nodded before slipping away. He watched carefully as she watched her walk away. She clutched her wrist tightly and her breathing was loud and short. She turned back. "Do you think you can find some clothes and bandages?"

He nodded as she disappeared from view. He moved to his room, grabbing a large t-shirt and shorts and her first aid kit. The shower began running, and he carefully opened the door to place them on the counter before going to sit in the kitchen.

He had been grading when she called, papers littering the kitchen island, his computer screen flooding the room with bright blue light. He winced, shutting his laptop closed before sitting and placing his head in his hands.

Thoughts flashed through his mind. Why was she being targeted? She was a pro-hero, it wasn't like she was weak. Evelyn was well-known for her sword skills too.

Evelyn is in his house. He flushed at the thought. His house wasn't spotless, but it was good enough. It was darkly lit and his TV was running in the background for no reason. It was pretty empty since he only really spent time at home to grade and sleep.


Evelyn's light voice flooded through the house. He shot to his feet, trying not to sprint straight for the bathroom. Aizawa cleared his throat before knocking on the door.

"Hey, are you okay?" He leaned closer to the door, hearing Evelyn's ragged breathing.

"I- can you help me?" Evelyn's meek voice appeared, and he could practically see the blush that adorned her face. He cracked the door open to see her sitting on the counter. His shorts were rolled up several times around her waist and her bare back was turned to him. She held the shirt to cover up her front, despite her bra is on.

She held out a pair of tweezers, her wrist bandaged carefully. "T-there's glass." He stared at the bloody cuts that coated her bareback. He stepped forward, grasping the tweezers, carefully placing his left hand on her shoulder, carefully beginning to remove the small pieces of glass.

"Are you going to tell me how this happened?" He asked, his brows furrowed as he carefully tugged at the glass.

Evelyn's head dropped. He could see the sad expression that adorned her face through the mirror. "I was in the kitchen. Sniper almost got me, and two guys broke in through the window. I took them and the first five who came through the door down. I got to my room when they blew the door down and threw me out the window."

Aizawa cussed. "Do you know why?" Evelyn shook her head, her face falling. "What?"

"I ran." She mumbled. She winced as Aizawa began to bandage her. His fingers nimbly tracing her sides, making her shiver. He stared at the several scars adorning her back. Catching staring, Evelyn tried to pull away. He gripped her shoulder firmly before placing small, delicate kisses along each of the scars that he could see.

After he was done, he looked up and grinned at the bright red color that coated Evelyn's face. He returned to wrapping her bandages, carefully wrapping her sides. "Ow, ow, ow."

Aizawa pulled away. "I'm sorry." 

She shook her head, turning to give him a soft smile. "It's fine, my ribs hurt, I got thrown into a brick wall."

He finished wrapping her up, and she slipped his t-shirt on before sliding off the counter. He stared at her, watching the way his shirt slipped down her frame, covering up his shorts. Her thighs were slim and toned, the muscles defined perfectly.

She stepped up to him, carefully placing a finger under his chin. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." She maneuvered around him, carefully leaving the bathroom, and he followed after her like a lost puppy.

She was still moving slowly, and her breathing was still irregular. Aizawa carefully slipped an arm under hers, supporting her body weight and helping her to his couch. She mumbled a quick thank you before lying down.

She went out like a light and Aizawa, not knowing what to do, eventually went back to grading. It was late in the night, around 1 AM, but he had to grade all the tests, so he could return them the next day. God, why are they so dumb? He took a deep breath to calm himself down as he rubbed his eyes.

There was a whimpering sound from behind him and Aizawa shot up. How the hell did I forget she was there? He looked over to see her twisting in her sleep. He sighed, before standing. He grasped a blanket and carefully tucked her in, but not before her wrist grasped his.

Her eyes blinked open blearily, tears falling down her face. "Stay." Aizawa's heart ached at seeing her hurting. "Okay." He mumbled before laying down next to her, carefully lifting up the blanket. His heartbeat fast in his chest and his face flushed bright red as she nuzzled into his chest, sniffling quietly.

Her strawberry blonde hair was still damp from her shower, and her smooth legs entangled with his. The feeling of her body pressed against his, warmth radiating off her body. He took a deep breath as he looked over at her. She was so beautiful that it took his breath away. Her breaths were pained and her eyes were screwed tightly, her brows furrowed. Still, he couldn't help but be entranced by everything about her.

Damn. He thought, as he closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep. I'm totally whipped.

 I'm totally whipped

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