Chapter 7

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Alpha/Percy's POV

Why in Hades' name did I always have the worst luck? We found a demigod with a very strong aura and Piper McLean ran into us?

Beta shrugged. "Who asks?"

"A friend." Piper continued.

Yeah right.

"Reveal yourselves and come with me." Piper commanded in a sweet voice.

I pulled up my hood slowly.

Beta snapped her fingers in front of me. "How dare you try to charmspeak us Aphrodite spawn!"

I lowered my hood once again. How could Beta resist the charmspeak?"

Piper was just as surprised as I was

"I mean no harm," she began. "A war is coming with an unknown evil. We received a prophecy three months ago and well..." she fiddled with her thumbs, "we need every warrior we can enlist."

Beta pulled me aside. "Will you excuse us for a moment?"

We walked to a patch of grass a little farther away.

Beta sighed. "I have to fight."

If I was drinking something I would probably have spit it out.

"What? Why!" I whisper forcefully.

Beta looked over at Piper with a sad expression. "I can't leave all the demigods we saved. Eric, Susie, Lina, and even Sean! They are too young to experience the horrors we experienced. They are so new, barely trained. I have to protect them.

Beta looked so determined, her blue eyes glistened in the sunlight.

I gave up. "I can't argue with you. I'll fight, but only because you are. I can't bear with the thought that I didn't do anything if you died."

"That's sweet, Alfie." Beta smiled.

We walked back to Piper, who was very nervous.

"We will come to camp and aid you in this fight." I announced as Piper's kaleidoscope eyes lit up. "However, no one may force us to reveal our identities. We will decide whether or not to reveal ourselves. Also, we will sleep in the Hades cabin. He is the one who gave me my powers. Swear on the River Styx"

Piper nodded eagerly. "I swear."

Thunder boomed as we walked into camp.

- - - - - TIME SKIP - - - - -

We strolled into camp as if we had been there the entire time.

Piper pointed to the Big House. "That's the Big House. We'll be going there to meet Chiron, our activities director."

Suddenly, around thirty demigods rushed towards us. Beta laughed sweetly. They all hugged us.

Piper stood there in astonishment. "So you're the ones who..."

I didn't hear the rest. These demigods swarmed us and flooded us with questions. I didn't even notice Chiron or the rest of the seven come towards us.

"Well, it's nice to meet the heroes of these demigods!" Chiron exclaimed. "My name is Chiron, and this is Jason, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Annabeth, and you already know Ms. McClean. What are your names, heroes?"

Beta strode forward. "My name is Beta, and this is my partner Alpha."

Nico crept up from the shadows. "You haven't happened to see two demigods by the names of Pax O'Neal or Perseus Jackson, have you?"

"We haven't seen either of them. I've heard of Percy's amazing feats. I wish I could meet him." I said, while Beta shot me an amused look.

Annabeth slammed her fist on a table. "Perseus Jackson is a traitor! How dare you speak of him like that. Maybe you're the enemy. The prophecy said that 'The Dark shall come and put up a great fight.'"

"Liar!" Nico yelled as Will restrained him. "He saved Olympus twice! How dare you speak of him like that! He fell into TARTARUS for you!"

I sighed. "I received these powers from Hades himself. Last time I checked he was on the Olympians' side."

Nico raised an eyebrow but didn't say a word.

Annabeth crossed her arms. "I do not care if Zeus himself gave you your powers. We do not know you and we will not trust you."

"They do not want our help." I said to Beta, but she gave me a look. She was going to reveal herself.

Beta smirked. "But Annie, you already know me. You know me better than you think."

She took off her hood and revealed her dirty blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes to the astonished crowd.

"I am Pax Castellan, daughter of Hermes and May Castellan. Sister of Luke Castellan." Beta smiled.

A/N Enjoy that last CLIFFIE! (I'm an evil author). I won't give any hints.

This chapter is dedicated to my friend niveditapgarg24. Thanks for following!

- Sapphy

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