Chapter 12

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Alpha/Percy POV

Annabeth leaped towards Pax and held a knife to her throat.

"Were you the one who summoned the snake?" She yelled. "Do you think it's funny to follow the path of your brother?"

"Annabeth stop!" I yelled.

Jason came over and fought me. He didn't let me help Pax. Frank caught Nico and stopped him, too.

"Answer truthfully." Piper charmspoke. "Did you bring the Amphisbaena to camp?"

Pax was choking. "N-n-no."

Piper sneered. "Swear on the River Styx."

"I-i..." Pax fainted.

I struggled "You're choking her! She can't breathe! Let her go!"

Annabeth loosened her grip.

Pax exhaled sharply and began to regain consciousness. "I swear on Styx and Chaos that I did not bring the Amphisbaena to camp."

Everyone backed off, expecting Pax to be hit by lightning. Thunder boomed, but Pax remained unharmed.

Nico helped Pax get back up.

"This is why I shouldn't have come back to camp." Pax muttered as Nico led her to cabin thirteen.

"We shadow-travel in three days." I proclaimed. "Gather supplies and weapons."

"Who put you in charge? You're no child of Athena." Annabeth stated.

I pulled out Moira and hit Annabeth with the flat side of the blade.

"You almost killed my best friend. Consider yourself lucky that I promised Pax we'd help out. I would have come back even if the whole camp was in ruins, and I can still leave. Do things my way or no way at all." I snarled.

I picked up my sword and started to walk out the door.

"Maybe my way is better than yours."

I stopped in my tracks, and turned towards Annabeth. I pulled out my sword and walked towards her until our faces were an inch apart.

"Insult me or my friends again and you shall pay. I still have my fatal flaw." I stated.

And with that I slapped her.

I walked out of the Big House with the six in shock.

- - - - - TIME SKIP - - - - -

I was gathering supplies in a duffel bag for the quest. Some nectar and ambrosia, bandages, and aspirin because Annabeth would annoy the Tartarus out of me.

Someone had knocked on the door. I assumed it was Annabeth, so I brought my sword just in case. I tiptoed quietly to the door because Nico and Will were sound asleep. They had a small My Chemical Romance dance party and Nico and Will fell asleep in each other's arms. I was so going to tease Nico about this.

I opened the door and, to my surprise, there stood Clarisse.

"Hey Prissy. Heard you were back. Wanted to see for myself." She smiled.

She led me out into the arena. No one was there at this time of night.

Connor, Travis, Chris, Meg, Thalia, and many others that I did not recognize emerged from the shadows.

"Hey Percy." Connor grinned mischievously.

I nodded. "Hey?"

"You guys having a meeting without me?"

Pax strolled towards us with her two blades at her sides. Her dirty blonde hair glistened in the moonlight.

Clarisse came over and punched Pax in the gut.

"Can't have enough physical abuse, heh?" She smiled.

Clarisse laughed. "I'm just glad you're back. We thought you were dead!"

"Nice to see you again, sis." Chris smiled as he hugged Pax.

"Can someone explain to me what's going on?" I asked

Travis smirked. "Still a seaweed brain, huh? We're the PJ club. We tell new demigods the truth about you. The seven say you're a traitor. The truth deserves to be known."

I was awestruck. I thought Pax, Will, and Nico were the only demigods on my side. I was not alone.

I was not alone!

Thalia ran up to me and hugged me. "It has been a long two years, cousin."

"And you haven't aged a day." I remarked.

Thalia smiled. "There's the Persassy we knew and missed."

"While we're gone," Pax began. "The PJs will be more open. There would be no meddling heroes who would tell lies about you. You could finally be free."

Free? Free.

I would be free.

A/N Sorta a cliffie? More like a realization. The Percy Jackson club shall RISE again! Thanks for reading my first story! This story recently hit 350 views. Thanks so much! 

Rankings are as followed...

131 darkness

5 forgiveandforget

63 theseven

85 pjofandom

59 tartarus

157 rickriordan 

and much more I don't want to list because I'm lazy!

Thanks so much for your support!

- Sapphy

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