Chapter 11

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My cloak blew away and left my poor thin face in complete view. My black hair had blue highlights.

I scrambled to put on my cloak but Annabeth slapped me.

"How dare you enter this camp!" She yelled. "You should have never come back!"

"What happened to me being your hero? And you need me for this quest." I mumbled.

She scowled. "That's beside the point."

"Pretty important point to me."

"Ugh! Kelphead!"

"No nicknames!"

"Can you guys be quiet for one millisecond?!?!?!" Pax screamed and everyone stopped and looked at her. "Thank you. Now that I have your attention, we have to go to the Big House to discuss the terms of the quest."

She flipped her hair and walked out. Everyone stared at her. Gods, she's extra.

I free myself from Annabeth's grip and join her.

- - - - - TIME SKIP - - - - -

The seven plus Nico, Pax, and Chiron gathered around the ping pong table. Everyone stayed clear of me and Pax, except Nico. He was busy chatting with Pax about My Chemical Romance.

"Where should we start, um..." Piper started.

Frank stuttered. "Hey P-perce?"

I scowled. "Don't call me that. Only my true friends can call me that: Nico and Pax"

Annabeth frowned at the mention of Pax.

"Doesn't matter! You're a traitor to both camps!" Jason proclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. "Never betrayed anyone. I saved Annabeth's life just now, offered to help the dryads, and came to camp to help you survive this war against an unknown evil. If you don't believe in a person who does all that, has a fatal flaw of loyalty, and more, then what do you believe in, Grace?"

Everyone's faces blanched except Nico's and Pax's. Nico gave me a high five.

"What were we thinking?" Hazel murmured.

We stood on opposite ends of the ping-pong table in silence.

"Percy..." Frank began.

"No, it is Alpha to all of you. Few have the privilege of calling me Percy, Perseus, or just plain Perce." I spat out.

Everyone became quiet.

"So, where do we begin the quest?" I asked as if nothing had happened.

Pax looked at her feet.

"Paxy?" I nudged her.

Her eyes were on the verge of tears. "'The lost sister shall finally return.'"

"Return where?" I whispered to her.

She looked at me. "Home. Westport, Connecticut."

Annabeth coughed. "Great! We start there." She came over and put herself between Pax and me. "Now transportation, anyone?"

"We could ride on Festus?!" Leo piped up.

Piper shook her head. "That would only fit three of us."

"We can shadow-travel." Nico said, suddenly.

The rest of the seven jumped.

Nico shrugged. "Hazel, Perce, and I are more than enough to transport you all."

"Right..." Annabeth eyed me suspiciously. "Percy's the son of the underworld god now."

Nico, Hazel, and I stared at her intensely. I must have seemed very mad because Pax

pretended to eat popcorn at the scene.

"Annabeth," Hazel glared at her, "I'm not sure if you notice, but there are other children of the underworld god here."

Annabeth apologized quickly. "Sorry, Haze. You know what I meant."

Nico scowled at her.

"The only problem here is," Jason began, "how did the Amphisbaena get into camp. Someone had to grant it access."

Everyone turned to face Pax.

A/N Sorry it took so long, I had writer's block. I still don't really like this chapter, but I hope you guys like it. 

I said this before and I'll say it again


- Sapphy

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