finding the truth

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this chapter is dedicated to AshleyLopez313 for giving me ideas for this chapter and know i know what's going to happen throughout the rest of the story and i just really wanted to thank her.


i unlocked the safe to find...files lot and lots of file. files of their hit men...files on our old grannies, files on our bodyguards. just files.

i pushed through all the files in slight anger 'why do they want all these files, what's so special about them' i wonder then my eyes land on it.

the thing they're looking for.

you're probably wondering how i know it's because it's in a box that says 'do not touch' the box just sat there daring me to touch it.

i reached out for it grabbed the box carefully like it was made of glass then locked the safe i quickly ran into my bedroom locking the door behind me.

i opened the box and could hear the angels singing...who am i kidding i could hear the devil and demons screaming from hell. There wasn't much in the box, there was only a small flash drive with dried red stains on it.there were also files in the box files about us me, Luke, Jess and Derek.i was so confused trying to figure it all out that i almost missed the knock at the door.

"Ava are you okay?" Luke asked "I-I think so" i said

that was probably the biggest lie I've ever told i'm overwhelmed, tired and confused. "open the door" Luke said "please."

i hid the flash drive in my pocket and opened the door "i found these files of us on the bed"
He had a slight look of alarm on his face but covered it up quite quickly. "Did you read them?" He asked. "No...should I?" I asked confused at his actions and choice of words. "No" he responded and I decided not to question him, for some stupid reason.

"we need to find out what they're hiding from us so if they go thanksgiving i'm going to ask." Luke stated. it will not end well "Luke. no. it will not end well i know you're still going to do it but give it time, we don't have a plan and they do, we don't know their plan and they know were confused about this sudden out burst. i may be younger but i still know when it' the right time to do things and right now they have the upper advantage and i DON'T need another dead sibling thank you very much if you haven't noticed I've had too many of them."

he looked at me defeated he knew i was right "i'm just trying to look out for you" he said in a timid voice and i suddenly felt bad "i didn't mean to be harsh I just-I just don't want to have to worry that you're doing things out of anger" referring back to our little outburst "we already have one person doing that" i joked even though this is far from joking matter this is a matter of life...and death.

'we need to think carefully mum seems to hate me more so if i leave Luke and our friends will be safe' i thought to my self i shook the thought from my head it would hurt Luke if i left i don't want to worry him 'then leave a note tell him you went somewhere and never come back it's better to have Luke safe and worried about your well being than to have him dead in a ditch because of your own selfishness' i didn't realise i was crying till luke hugged me and wiped my tears i knew my the voice in my head was right but i can't least not now. but if i leave mum will follow and Luke's safe


what did you think of this chapter ?

do you think ava will leave to keep her brother safe or will she trust Luke enough let Luke figure out a plan despite the split personality disorder coming back.

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