Chapter Six

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Grandma and I seemed significantly closer after my breakdown in the living room a few days ago. She was no longer making excuses to leave in the mornings. Instead, we had started eating breakfast together once more.

Marco didn't visit for the next few days since the day I came out to my grandma. I had no idea where he was and why wasn't he visiting. It wasn't that I missed him or his company over breakfast, but it made me wonder why he disappeared just like that.

Maybe he sensed something and decided not to come over the next few days? Or maybe grandma asked him not to? I know I could've asked grandma about it, but I didn't want to talk about it. I had promised grandma that I'd tell her everything starting now but the whole thing about Marco's brother was too confusing for me to talk about. I wasn't even sure if it was even possible to develop a crush on someone I had seen for a couple of seconds, a minute maybe. I needed to talk to someone about it to help me understand things better.

On the other hand, I felt relieved that I didn't have to act like everything was normal with Marco if he really were to come over. Grandma would've noticed for sure if that were to happen, which again would have resulted in letting her know what happened in the woods and how I felt.

Another thing that had been bothering me since that day were my dreams. I had been dreaming about Nicolas since the day I saw him. Each night, one way or another he managed to appear in both my dreams and nightmares.

As exams were getting closer, I was starting to dream about failing exams more often and each time he was there comforting me in the end. His hugs and soft kisses in my dreams left me feeling giddy and flustered all day long, only for it to happen again the very next day. I was stuck in an addictingly sweet but never-ending cycle.

Even as I was washing dishes after our lunch, a smile persisted on my lips. It really was starting to feel like I was experiencing my first crush all over again.

Once I was done washing the dishes, I wiped my hands with the nearby towel and went back to the living room. Grandma was seated in her chair as usual with a book and a tea cup. I settled down beside her on the couch and folded my legs underneath me.

"I need to ask you something." I started, with my head tilted down.

She removed her thick glasses and turned to me.

"I've been having this recurring dream since last few days and I don't know what to think of it." I didn't look at her while talking, I just needed to hear her thoughts about it. And I couldn't bear to look at her while talking about this without feeling guilty for keeping this from her.

She took a few while before asking. "What's there to understand?"

"I mean, I've never had this kinda same dream for days in a row. Why now?" My gaze drifted off to my fidgeting hands in my lap.

"It'll stop just the way it has started. Why are you thinking so much about it?" Despite the fact that she was questioning me, her voice was gentle and calm.

"But it feels so real." I whispered quietly.

"You know, when you were a kid, you used to believe everything I said. Now that you've grown up..." She stopped and let out a short laugh.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw her putting away her book and glasses on the table before she got up from her chair. For a moment I thought she was leaving, she came over to sit beside me instead.

"It sounds like you've already decided what you want those dreams to mean and now you just want to hear the same from me." Her hand started caressing my head gently. "Is there something I should know, Blue?"

There was no way I could continue to hold it in anymore, not after hearing her say that in such a sincere voice. "I met Macro's brother, Nicolas in the woods. I don't think it's just a crush, grandma." I turned my head to look at her. "I can't get him out of my head. I don't know what to do."

"Sounds like more than a crush to me." She said with a giant smile.

"But I saw him for like, a minute or so. None of us said a word and he left as soon as Marco arrived." I explained, trying to make her understand my confusion. "I was literally gawking at him all that time. He probably thinks I'm a weirdo."

"You won't know that unless you meet him and ask him yourself." She said as if stating a fact.

"That's what Marco said too." I exclaimed immediately. "It feels weird talking to you about this." I added as an afterthought.

"You better get used to it then. You promised to tell me everything, remember?" She asked and I nodded. "And Marco is right."

"But Marco hasn't come over since that day. Maybe he regrets saying that?" I looked back at my fidgeting hands.

"I told him not to come over. I wanted to spend some time with you, alone." Grandma answered, making me look at her in shock. She nodded before continuing, "I can invite him for breakfast tomorrow, if you want."

I nodded my head quickly, making grandma chuckle. "Okay then, it's decided. Cheer up now."

She gave me a quick hug before getting up. She settled down in her chair once again and picked up her book and glasses.

"Thanks, grandma." I whispered after a few seconds.

"Marco has told me about his brother. He seems good, stubborn but good." Grandma said before focusing on her book again.

I went back to my room when I heard my phone ringing. Picking up the phone, I greeted Tay and settled on my bed.

"Come back, Blue." Tay whined over the phone.

"Why? What's wrong?" I questioned after chuckling.

"I can't study on my own. I'm gonna fail if this goes on." He complained and added a fake cry at the end for the extra effect.

"You're smarter than me, Tay." I reminded him. "You're gonna pass even without studying much."

"But I don't feel like studying without you." He sounded like he was pouting.

"There's still two more weeks before exams." I said, trying to calm him down.

"Just tell me when are you coming back." He asked stubbornly.

"I'll be back next week." I answered with a sigh.

"Promise?" He questioned, imitating an innocent voice.

"Promise. Now stop whining." I said in a strict voice.


I could hear his amusement as we talked more about the exams and what we had studied until now. But even as I talked to him, in the back of mind I felt excitement soaring as I waited for the next morning.


You're beautiful. Thanks for reading!

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