Chapter Thirty Five

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After sitting in silence for way too long than I had initially expected, I finally decided to test the waters again. 

"It has gotten so dark already." I looked around as if just noticing it and pretending that I hadn't been sitting there for so long already. 

Nicolas raised my hands in his hold before kissing the palm of both of my hands. "You must be hungry. I'll get bowls for us." 

He stood up after placing my hands back in my lap and picked up Marco's phone. "Have you called your grandma yet?"

I was on my feet in an instant. "I forgot." I looked for my phone in my pockets before pulling it out. "I'll be right back." I told Nicolas as I dialled her number and placed the phone on my ear. 

"There's no network coverage over here. Try near the training grounds." Nicolas informed me from the behind and I cursed under my breath. "I'll go with you."

"No, no, I'll be quick." I hurriedly thanked him before making a run for the clearing. I kept looking for signals on the way to no avail. The phone didn't connect until I was at the edge of the clearing. 

"I'm so sorry I forgot to call you." I responded to her 'hello'. 

"Can I stay over here tonight? I'll be back in the morning." I said, panting, trying to catch my breath. 

"Sure. But everything is okay, right?" She asked dubiously. 

"Yeah. Everything is fine. I just felt like it." I relieved her at once. "I can come back right away if you want though. I will stay over some other time." 

"It's okay with me." I could hear her smiling through her voice. "Have fun." 

"Thanks. I love you, grandma." I answered her gratefully. 

"Love you too." 

The moment I disconnected the call after bidding her farewell, Tay's name flashed on the screen. 

"I've been calling you all day. Where have you been?" Tay complained right away. 

His desperate tone worried me. "Why? What's wrong?" 

"I got the call from Mr. Santos." He exclaimed excitedly. 

I had to distance my phone from my ear to lessen his voice. "And?" 

"Both of us got selected." He shrieked again much to my dismay but I couldn't help but grin. 

I let out a sigh of relief. "This is unbelievable." 

"Right? I've been dying to tell you about this but your phone wasn't reachable." He grumbled again. 


"Whatever. There's something more I had to tell you." He trailed off as if hesitating. 

"What is it?" 

"We'll have to move." Tay informed me in a low voice. 

The lack of enthusiasm in his voice was more than enough to make my heart sink. "Where to?" 


It took me a moment to remember where Jaursen was. "That's even farther South." 


"Tay, no. I-I can't. It's so far away." I tried to reason with him. 

Tay let out a loud sigh. "I know, I know. But that's their only branch for now, nothing could be done." 

"I'll look for another job." I said it more to myself than him. It was another try to convince myself that I still had options left. 

Another sigh before he spoke. "It's not like you can get a good paying job in your town. You'll have to move away either way. So, what's wrong with Jaursen?" 

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