Chapter Forty Four

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"No, I received no such text." Tay answered, much to my dismay. 

I tried not to seem frustrated and shrugged instead. "Nevermind. I'll get going. You can visit those places on your own if you want." I suggested him, remembering how excited he was this morning. "Then you can show me around next time." 

Despite my attempt to not disappoint him, he continued to frown. "It's our first day off. How could he do this?" 

I shrugged again, feeling disappointed as well. "I'll text you if it seems like it's going to take long." Putting on a smile, I gestured him to go back. "Now go and enjoy." 

He shook his head. "I'll just get some groceries and go back." 

This time I couldn't resist the urge to sigh. "That'll be a waste since you're already here. Ask one of your colleagues, maybe someone else will accompany you."

He shook his head again but just as I was about to try to convince him, my phone rang in my hand. The caller ID flashed Raymond's name and I tightened my hold on the phone, feeling defeated. 

"You should go. I'm fine. Don't worry." Tay reassured me while glaring at my phone. 

"Have fun. I'll text you." I told him quickly before running off to find a cab. 


Raymond flashed me a bright smile the moment he saw me. "I hope I didn't disturb you on your day off."

Putting on a facade, I smiled back without answering. 

"I was looking through the forms regarding the new employees. But yours seems to be missing among these. Did you perhaps forget to hand it in?" His sickly sweet smile was turning my stomach in an unpleasant way and I felt a shiver down my spine when he started approaching me. 

Of course I didn't. I remembered handing in mine along with Tay's after the very next day we were asked to do so. But since he had only called me, Tay's must be in there. I had a few hunches about mine and I sincerely hoped that none of those would be correct. Though looking around myself and finding no one else only heightened my concerns. 

I took a few steps just as he stopped close to me, way too close than what I thought was professional. 

His gaze snapped on the ground for a quick second before he widened his smile. "You can go back as soon as you fill this up." He barely had to extend his arm to hand me the form. 

I took the form from him and stepped aside to find a desk to put it on and fill it up as quickly as possible.

He followed me to the desk in the corner and sat down on the chair beside mine with the smile still on his face. My heart was pounding in my chest just feeling his lone presence around me. I wasn't sure if I was overreacting but the quiet eerie atmosphere was starting to scare me. 

"Here. You don't look like you brought one." He placed a pen on the table and pushed it toward me after he had seen me trying to find a pen in my pockets. 

I picked up the pen with a quick 'thank you' and focused on the paper in front of me. 

"I was supposed to fax these to Mr. Santos in the morning. But I couldn't since yours was missing." 

His words stilled me for a moment and I could almost feel him smiling in triumph. 

"I'm sorry about that." I apologized without looking at him but trying to sound as sincere as possible. 

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