Chapter Seven

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I had no idea if grandma remembered to call Marco for breakfast the next morning as I descended the stairs. I just kept reminding myself to not keep my hopes up. Grandma didn't mention anything about what we had talked the previous day, not even during dinner. And I was half expecting her to tell me that she forgot to call him. If that were to be the case, I decided not to ask her to call him again, not for me at least. The last thing I wanted was for her to go out of her way for me.

I didn't hear the two conversing until I was at the entrance of the kitchen. Both grandma and Marco were already seated at the table with food already laid out in front of them. They looked up at me with smiles as soon as I entered. Honestly, their gazes felt a little overwhelming, as if they were expecting something from me.

I tried to return their wide grins with my own, but I doubted I was able to look as happy as they did at the moment.

"Hey!" Marco waved at me as soon as I sat down beside him.

I greeted him back before picking up my chopsticks and taking a bite. Neither Marco nor grandma acknowledged me after that. And I was more than glad to hear their mediocre talk about weather, Marco's college and classes. Until, grandma mentioned Nicolas.

Out of surprise, a chunk of my bite got stuck in my throat and caused me to cough until my eyes turned watery. Marco was by my side in a second, patting my back until I stopped coughing, while grandma got me a glass of water. I downed the water as soon as I caught my breath and Marco went back to his seat along with grandma.

None of them said anything and continued eating their breakfast until I saw Marco looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

I met his gaze and asked, "is there something wrong?"

He looked up at me completely before shaking his head. "I was just wondering if you're okay now."

For a moment I questioned if he was asking about what happened just now or the day we last met. Nonetheless, I nodded my head. "I'm okay. Thanks for asking."

"Okay then." With that Marco went back to eating.

And just like that, we were done with our meal. I insisted on washing the dishes and grandma agreed. So, she sat beside Marco with my back turned to them when once again she mentioned Nicolas.

At least there was no choking involved this time. I continued to wash the dishes while hearing them talk casually about him, as if I wasn't hanging off of each word Marco uttered.

"How's he?" Grandma started.

For some reason, I knew by that she meant Nicolas. Marco must have understood that too as he soon caught on and replied to her.

"Stubborn as usual." Marco said in a bitter tone.

After that, none of them said anything for a while. I was almost done washing the dishes when I heard Marco yelp loudly. I turned around in surprise to see him already standing up and smiling at me.

"Let me help you, then we can go for a walk, if you don't mind." Marco came over to me and was about to help me before I stopped him.

"I'm almost done. Just a minute, please." I said, before hurriedly placing the washed dishes back in their places.

Removing the apron, I started toward the door before waiting for Marco to follow. We walked out of the house before Marco started walking toward the backyard. I followed after him quietly.

"There's something I should let you know." Marco turned around and said before we could've entered the woods.

I stopped in my tracks and waited for him to continue.

"We, Nicolas and I, we aren't..." Marco sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. "Promise me you won't freak out and run away."

I nodded my head slowly.

"Say it. Promise me." He extended his hand toward me.

I placed my hand on top of his. "I promise."

A second after my hand touched his, a smile graced his lips. He turned his head toward the woods before saying, "I'm helping you out here, idiot."

Facing me once again, he let go of my hand and the smile on his face. Turning sombre, he looked me in the eyes. "Nicolas and I, we aren't humans. Not completely at least."

His eyes watched me like a hawk as if daring me to make a move to leave. I didn't dare to, not when he was staring at me almost threateningly.

"What are you then?" I tried to prod deeper.

"Werewolves." Marco whispered quietly. It seemed like he was scared to admit it out loud.

The first thing that came forth in my mind was the memory of that day. The day I met Nicolas and the day I heard Marco call him Alpha. "Is that why you called him Alpha that day? I thought it was a nickname of some sort."

Marco nodded without saying anything, just almost glaring at me.

"Stop looking at me like that. I'm not gonna run away, not until one of you attacks me first." I tried to joke to ease him down a bit. His unwavering stare was almost too much to handle.

I succeeded and he cracked a smile. "I won't. Can't say the same about him though."

His contradicting expression and words puzzled me. "What's that supposed to mean?"

His grin widened, if possible. "The attraction you're feeling toward him, he is feeling it too."

"He is?" I asked in awe.

He nodded happily.

This revelation shocked me way more than his previous one. I couldn't believe that my brain was prioritising my feelings over my life. I really was starting to act like a kid.

Despite thinking that, I felt my cheeks warm up abruptly. I bent my head down and focused my gaze on my feet. I didn't even get the chance to wear my shoes before coming out.

"Are- Are you blushing?" Marco asked in surprise.

Before I could've denied it, he started cackling. His loud laugh only made me even more embarrassed.

"Stop." I uttered helplessly when he didn't stop laughing until a few minutes later.

"This is gonna be so much fun." He said with a giggle.


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