Chapter Ten ♡

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Hello my loves!
I have missed you!
I won't babble here (donut worry I have a long A/N in the bottom but I just wanted to say hello first because I find it rude if you I don't salute you guys hehe)
I have attached above a French song but do not, I repeat, do not play unless I tell you to! (Don't be tempted now)
I promise it will have a perfect timing
Also, don't worry if you guys don't speak French,  I have added the English translation in the very very bottom.
It's the song that's playing in the background in the story
I hope you guys enjoy and forgive me for my delay, again
I love you all oh so very much!


Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten

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Juliette's heart was a bird once again, thrumming against her ribcage, fighting to get free.

She was caught. And she was going to pay dearly.

Her hands went suddenly cold and she could feel the blood slowly drain from her face as the looming figure approached her menacingly.

Little by little people started parting and making way for him, his intimidating aura  forcing them to cower in fear.

No, no, no. This is not the Xander she knows. This is not Xander at all. She had saved him once and he had paid her back and now, there was nothing that could stop his true facade to show.

The darkness of the atmosphere had cast shadows on his face; he was a true prince of the night now, with eyes as black as charcoal that promised nothing but dead cold murder.

She wanted to ran away from him as far as she could and curl herself up in her tiny little cozy chamber with roses and peonies and the little daises that she used to collect in her garden.

Her mama was right about the outside world. People always hide their true face behind a mask, she'd say. Less than often, my darling, their true face shows when something angers them, it sparks the deadly devil they hide within back into life. That's why you should be always be careful, my dear, and trust no one but your mama."

The high pitched laugh of her drunk friend has made her jump and she immediately stood behind Peter's back hoping it will hide her and keep her safe from the wrath of Xander.

This, however, for some reason made Xander look even more mad as he balled both of his fists and his shoulders tensed, his muscles bulging against the tight dark fabric he wore.

"Julie?" Peter asked in concern as she touched his back. "What's going on? Jul–oh fuck" he cursed as he turned back and saw the huge soldier heading towards them.

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