Chapter Thirteen ♡

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Chapter Thirteen

      "You know," Peter said as he ruffled his dark auburn hair. "I am considering joining the King's army."

"What– Peter why?" Yasmine asked, her brown eyes wide and Juliette thought her tone was slightly hurt.

"Ah, I dunno. Seems everyone likes dangerous men." He grinned as color rushed into Juliette's entire face. He and Gregg must have talked about Xander.

"Or maybe you are in need of getting your face reconstructed. Seems like a bruise wasn't enough!" Juliette mumbled quickly avoiding her friend's eyes. Peter raised his eyebrows in surprise and laughed heartily, resting his arm on Yasmine's shoulder.

"See, small mina, I told you she's not as angelic as she looks." He snorted as Yasmine pushed his hand aside.

"Do not call me that!" She scowled, a pink flush spreading on the apple of her cheeks.

"Fine, fine. I forget you are fond of my pet names. My apologies, mon amour."

"Juliette hold his basket right now because I am going to commit mu–""

"Why not just leave him to join the King's army." Juliette innocently suggested.

"You've turned her into a monster." Peter gasped as he dramatically placed his hand on his chest.

"Listen you Satan's spawn," Yasmine approached him, her finger pointed as if scolding a child. "You" she poked him hard in the chest, "better tell us why you are joining the militia or-"

"Or what?" He challenged, his wicked grin stretching further.

"Let's say someone is going to lose one eye in their sleep."

Peter tsked and eyed Juliette. "Well that's good you two don't sleep on the same floor." Juliette giggled as Yasmine looked at him incredulously. Then he sighed.

"Well why not?" Yasmine didn't blink.

"Why not? Most people who join the army end up dying, Peter."

"Everyone dies. Not everyone dies a hero." Juliette watched Peter as they walked the dark hallway of the castle. The light coming from the windows contrasted against the sharp planes of his face, and despite him always being in a silly mood, she hadn't missed the slight crease created by his furrowed brows. She hated how his voice didn't have a teasing hint to it. And most of all, she was afraid.

"But P-peter!" She looked down on her hands, there was a faint scratch she had gotten when she was plucking the rose earlier.

"It's not official yet. I haven't decided." He admitted, looking down at them. "It's good to hear you guys worried about me." His voice sounded so sincere, despite his wink.

"Well of course we are worried about you, silly carrot. Who else would me and Juliette plan to murder?" Yasmine's retorted, her voice kind of high.

"You always forget to add Gregg." He noted as he shook his head. "My cousin seems in a tough mood lately."

"Fine Gregg too. That's three people you upset." Yasmine replied but Juliette couldn't help but feel slightly guilty. Maybe Gregg was upset because of her.

"Ah well, let's say I survive." He continued, as they entered a faint corridor that had lit torches on each side. "My rank would increase."

"You always forget Volkeii is going through a bad time at the moment." Yasmine answered, crossing her arms.

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