Chapter 4

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Yeji's POV

"Annyeong" I moved aside when Sihyeon approaches. I'm putting the hard boiled egg in a bowl with water so it would cool down.

"Gonna use the faucet?" I asked.

"Ani, just going to peel potatoes" she said.

I got another bowl and placed it right behind the sink. Sihyeon's 2 steps away from me, peeling the potatoes. She's probably going to cook something for them. I got another bowl where I could put the egg after removing it's shells. I'm going to make an egg sandwich for Ryujin.

"It's your first week here tomorrow, right? Time flew fast" Sihyeon mumbled.

"You should bond with us too often. Stop locking yourself inside your room where you can smell the smoke of cigarettes" I turned my head to see who is it and saw Miyeon. She's holding her phone, as usual.

"I can only smell lavender scent there" I smiled.

"Stop lying. Ryujin is a cigarette smoker" Miyeon stated, "Have you seen the fresh milk inside the fridge, Sihyeon?" she then asked.

"Shuhua took it earlier" Sihyeon answered.

"Aish...what are you doing there Yeji?" Miyeon popped behind me.

"I'm going to make an egg sandwich for Ryujin" I happily said.

"So she found a maid now huh? Tsk you should bond with us every day. Ryujin can live by herself" she picked the egg white that I separated with the yolk and ate it.

"Ryujin is good person, if I bond with all of you every day Ryujin will be alone. I, myself know how it hurts to be alone" I walks toward the trashcan to throw the egg shell.

"Ryujin is no good" she stated.

"No one can tell me who's good and bad to be with. I stick to my feelings. Ryujin is harmless, that's all" I defended. I looked at her straight, I am defending Ryujin's name to this one person who don't seem to understand everything. How about the others? How can they understand Ryujin's situation if they're blinded by hate?

"Nice Yeji" I heard a clap that's why I took a glance at Miyeon's back and saw that girl, Jinsoul.

"Whatever Ryujin has told you, as a 19 year old lady you must know that Ryujin hid a pages in her story. She probably told you about the summary of the story but you didn't know the whole story. Stop defending someone you barely knew" I gasps some air before totally facing her and leaving Miyeon behind me. How could they talk like that? They didn't even know Ryujin's side. They're just blinded by anger.

"I hope you'll know someday how to treasure friendship" I said with all the fierce I got.

People like them makes me sick. Even if I know that I didn't know the whole story about them, I knew deep inside that Ryujin's badly hurt too.

Come on, you spent your days with your friends. They spent their days with Ryujin too— how can they act like that?

Ryujin's POV

My eyes were closed and my hands are trembling while holding 10 stick of cigarettes. I think it's time to say good bye with my stress reliever, it would be no good if I get addicted to it while living with someone who has atopy. I don't know what can I cause to Yeji....

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