Chapter 8

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The morning came faster than you'd expect. I woke up around the same time everyone else did. Their not-so-quiet rustling stirring me awake. We began packing up the camp, and eventually left on Appa, heading towards the desert oasis.

"Hey Y/n," Sokka said, looking over at me. I hummed in response. "Do you happen to know anything about the Fire Nation."

I thought to myself for a second. "No, why?"

Katara sighed. "He's trying to get some information on the Fire Nation, to defeat them, find a weakness, something like that."

"Oh, well sorry, I don't know anything other than the experiments." I shrugged, looking out at the view over the desert as we began to arrive. The town was small, with a pile of ice in the center. Appa landed at the edge of it.

"Must have changed ownership since I've been here," Aang laughed as we passed through the gate. The sign fell behind us, landing on the ground with a thud.

"It's not so bad." We all walked into a bar, or restaurant of some sort. Katara pulled Sokka inside. I stayed by the edge of the group.

The three of them had struck up a conversation with a 'Professor Zei', talking about Aang. The Professor had spilled his drink on him and he used his airbending to clean it up. Zei seemed surprised by Aang, and the two of them began talking about Air Nomad things, stuff I didn't really understand. When he mentioned being a traveller, Sokka asked him about a map.

Unfortunately, there was no map on the Fire Nation.

"You've made a lot of trips into the desert." Katara said, pointing out one of the maps.

"All in vain, I'm afraid. I've found lost civilizations all over the Earth Kingdom, but I haven't managed to find the crown jewel... Wan Shi Tong's Library."

"You spent years walking through the desert to find some guy's library?" Toph asked.

"This library is more valuable than gold, little lady. It is said to contain a vast collection of knowledge, and knowledge... is priceless." Toph snorted in response, making a sarcastic comment too quiet for me to hear.

As they continued talking about the library, I wandered around the bar.

"...AT THE LIBRARY!" I heard Sokka yell, making me look back over at them.

"Uh, hey? What about me? When do I get to pick?" I heard Toph say, waving her hand. I couldn't hear Sokka's response, but whatever he said made Toph slam her bowl down, annoyed.

I walked back over to the group. "What are we doing?" I asked Toph as everyone began leaving.

"We're showing him Appa." Toph said, pulling me out of the bar and to the rest of them. A bunch of sandbenders were leaving as we arrived.

We all got on Appa, and headed into the desert, towards this supposed library. Aang looked at the drawing, as the Professor talked with Appa, despite not being able to understand him.

Hours seemed to pass by as we continued to search for it.

"Does this place even exist?" Toph groaned beside me.

The professor smiled at her. "Some say it doesn't."

"Shouldn't you have mentioned that before?" Toph turned, laying down and letting her feet hang over the edge of the saddle. "There it is!" She yelled out suddenly jumping up. Everyone looked over to where she was pointing, only for nothing to be there. "That's what it will sound like when one of you spots it." She grinned, waving a hand in front of her face. I giggled as everyone went back to their original spots, clearly annoyed.

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