Chapter 20

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"So, this is what a train is like? I didn't realize it would be this... public," the King said. 

I watched the city pass by us, annoyed. This whole thing seemed to be talking too long for my taste. Instead of flying on Appa, although terrifying, we could've gotten there by now. But no, the train.

"So you've never been outside the upper ring before?" Katara asked.

"I've never been outside of the palace." He pointed out the window to where Appa and Momo were, flying beside the train. "Now that's the way to travel. So, may I ask where we're going?"

"Underneath Lake Laogai, Your Kingliness. To the Dai Li's secret headquarters. You're about to see where all the brainwashing and conspiring took place."

When we got there, there was nothing left of the headquarters. Instead when Toph brought up the path, the platform was destroyed.

"It's gone!"

"Oh, don't tell me." Sokka slumped over, then sprang back up, giving everyone a thumbs up. "That's ok, still got my positive attitude," he said.

"The Dai Li must have known we were coming and destroyed the evidence."

The King frowned, suspicious. "Hmm. That seems awfully convenient."

"Hey, if anything, this proves the conspiracy exists even more."

I swayed, grabbing onto Toph's shoulder and wincing as another wave a pain came. It was finally dull enough to bear it, or at least breath. I sighed annoyed.

"You okay?" Toph asked.

Some more blood dripped down from my nose. I wiped it away. "Yeah I'm fine it's just all," I gestured awkwardly, "too much going on?"

"Long Feng was right, this was a waste of time. If you'll excuse me, I'm going back to the palace." He turned around, beginning to leave.

"The wall! They'll never be able to cover that up in time!"

"Oh yeah." Aang jumped up, landing in front of the King. "If you come with us to the outer wall, we can prove to you that the secret war is real!"

"No Earth King has ever been to the outer wall. I don't have any more time for this nonsense." He brushed past Aang.

Sokka ran up to them. "If you come with us, this time you can ride on Appa."

The King paused, and smiled, agreeing.

"I think I'm gonna throw up, for multiple reasons." I sat curled up on the back of Appa and gripping his fur as we flew towards the outer wall.

"Its both thrilling and terrifying," the King said from beside me.

"Yeah, I hate it too," Toph said.

"I have to be honest with you. Part of me really hopes that what you are telling me about this war...isn't true." Aang said something in response that I couldn't hear.

We passed over the wall, looking down at the drill. "It's still there!" Aang yelled pointing down at him.

"What is that?" The King asked in wonder.

"It's a drill. A giant drill made by the Fire Nation, to break through your walls." We landed on the wall, staring down at it.

"I can't believe I never knew." We looked over to the right, seeing Long Feng arrive with two guards.

"I can explain this, Your Majesty." He walked over to us, motioning to the drill. "This is nothing more than... a construction project."

"Really Then perhaps you can explain why there's a Fire Nation insignia on your construction project," Katara said, pointing down at it.

Everything seemed to go by so fast and slow at the same time. I coughed, blood spattering onto my hand. "Why would you even need a drill, either. You're earthbenders," I said.

"Well, it's imported of course. You know you can't trust domestic machinery." He smiled weakly at the King. "Surely you don't believe these children, instead of your most loyal attendant?!"

The King looked at us, then back at Long Feng. "Dai Li, arrest Long Feng. I want him to stand trial for crimes against the Earth Kingdom."

Long Feng looked surprised, as did we. The Dai Li agents glanced at each other, then grabbed him. "You can't arrest me. You all need me more than you know!"

"Looks like Long Feng is 'long gone'! Ha...Oh, yeah, I've been waitin' to use that one."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I wasn't in the mood for Sokka's jokes either. "Y/n?" Katara asked, looking at me.

"I'm fine, I just.." I felt some more blood drip down from my nose. And my vision began to fade at the edges. I heard everyone yell as I suddenly dropped. 

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